Thoughts on Markets

Friday, November 04, 2005

DROOY is in my buying range!

Good morning to one & All,

DROOY, my trading and also core holding in mining stocks has traded as low as 1.26 today. That is below 1.30, so I have another order in for 1000 @ 1.26. Hopefully, it will get filled. Gold is currently at 456.20, so it has lost for the time being its battle to stay above 460.

Thus, we have another buying opportunity which I will not pass by. Can gold go lower? Yes! Will it? I don't know. However, I see it as a buying opportunity for me.

How about the housing bubble? Are prices beginning to level or get a little lower in your area? Reports are comming in from around the country that houses are getting more difficult to sell. The higher mortgage rates are being felt. The financial disaster from this is yet to come.

Many folks who have refinanced to take out "equity" from their homes have spent the dollars. These went a bit to pay off other bills, but it seems that the majority of these funds were spent on cars, food, clothing, vacations, etc. In other words, they are gone -- forever. The reality of this has yet to come home to the naive. Look out when it does!

While the "poor, oppressed" people in other nations have amassed savings and investments, we Americans have spent, spent, spent. We have yet to leave that saving is in economic terms "foregone consumption." In other words to save, one must live beneath his means -- he must not spend all of his net income. Some must be put into an emergency fund to cover unforeseen expenses and then as this is built up, some must go into investments to grow over time. When will we learn?

Your comments and suggestions are appreciated. What would you like to see here. I want to make it profitable for you.

I pray that you are planning and will fulfill your plan to join in corporate worship of the Sovereign God of all this Lord's Day. We must not be as some >> "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another . . ." Herews 10:25

Best to each, Doug


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