Thoughts on Markets

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

God Uses Life's Challenges for Our Growth

Over the long week end, gold moved a bit higher and is on a higher plateau than last week. The high for the last 24 hours was $556.20 at 9:52 a.m. and the low was $550.80 at 10:54 p.m., both yesterday and at NY time. Gold is currently at $554.90, so it is, far the time being, holding nicely.

The Iran situation continues to be of concern. Our support of the secular nation Israel, primarily, caused by the concern of many dispensational fundamentalist is contributing to our mid-east challenges. The number of attacks on our troops in Iraq is escalating. It is important to keep our troops in our prayers. Don't forget their families back home.

DROOY is higher today with the last trade up $0.04 at $1.54. SSRI is up $0.38 to $16.48 and CEF is up $0.18 at $7.60. I believe it is not too late for those who have hesitated to get in. Last week, I bought several batches of DROOY as the price went down. The downside risk does not appear to be great from even this level. Study and make your own decision. What is right for me may not be correct for you.

Congress is, as is the White House, still threatening China to raise the value of the Renmimbi. They must really be after a lower valued dollar. The money supply continues to expand in spite of the increase in our interest rates. Watch the housing market which is leveling off in many parts of our country. It takes longer to sell real estate now. The buyers must be feeling the pressure of higher interest rates. Foreclosures are increasing, as well.

We must arm our children and grandchildren with the Word of God. The true answers to all of life's challenges are contained therein. We are instructed to depend upon God for everything. However, that does not mean that we pray and then sit and wait for Him to provide. He uses means to accomplish His will. Therefore, it is up to us to prepare ourselves through sound education, make our plans, commit them to Him, and move out in accordance with these plans. Then give Him the glory for every result of our plans. Without Him, all is lost. Seek first the Kingdom of God, then blessings will follow.

Best to each, Doug


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