Thoughts on Markets

Friday, May 12, 2006

Gold to $730!

Wow! What a run up to $730 at 6:20 am (NY). Since then it has backed off a good bit and is now trading at $716.80.

These aberrations are to be expected. I am still not a seller, and in fact I am searching for buys. We can buy in to low priced stocks speculations which drop a good bit when other people get nervous about gold price falls. A couple at which I am looking are CGDF Columbia Goldfields, Ltd. currently $2.15 (Which I bought yesterday at $2.33 and $2.12) and QEE Queenstake Resources Ltd which I own and am trying to buy now at $0.46 (This year it has traded from a low of about $0.25 to a high yesterday of $0.55,). As I said these are speculations and should only be purchased with speculative currency which is not essential to your welfare. BUYER BEWARE! You are on your own on this. I am only reporting which I am trying.

By the way, I suggest you examine the low priced internet brokers. I use both E*Trade and Scottrade. There are others you might want to research before you make a final decision. While I pay about $7-$10 per trade, others pay $40 or more through full service brokers. Over time, the savings has been substantial for me.

How low will this "correction" go? I do not know! How high will gold eventually go? I do not know. However, it is fact that the dollar is down a good bit now and there seems to be nothing on the horizon to stop the down hill slide. The budget and trading deficits are certain to come home to haunt us in time. No person or government can defy the immutable laws of the Sovereign God forever without His wrath being poured out upon the rulers and people of that nation. Our time is here or will come in God's fullness of time. Put your trust in Him, because He has proven to be unchangeable and full of love for His people.

Best to each, Doug


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