Disruptions Around the World
Bombs in India kill 135-145 people, Syria plans to sells reserve dollars and replace with gold and EUROS and to unpeg its currency from the dollar, Putin plans to sell Russian oil in rubles in about 3 days, and more Asian banks replacing dollars with gold and planning to have an Asian currency similar to the European EURO.
All of the above was bad news for the dollar, bonds, and general stocks. However, it was good for gold and mining stocks. Gold closed in the U.S. at $641 up a good bit from a couple of weeks ago. By the way, did you notice that the mining stocks did not dip as much as gold.
It is always true that these are exciting times. Some are just a little more exciting than others. I am so very glad that the Sovereign Ruler of all is the same yesterday, tomorrow, and forever. All about us, we see daily change, but our Rock is steady. What a wonderful peace and comfort that provides in the midst of chaos.
Best to each, Doug
All of the above was bad news for the dollar, bonds, and general stocks. However, it was good for gold and mining stocks. Gold closed in the U.S. at $641 up a good bit from a couple of weeks ago. By the way, did you notice that the mining stocks did not dip as much as gold.
It is always true that these are exciting times. Some are just a little more exciting than others. I am so very glad that the Sovereign Ruler of all is the same yesterday, tomorrow, and forever. All about us, we see daily change, but our Rock is steady. What a wonderful peace and comfort that provides in the midst of chaos.
Best to each, Doug
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