Precious Metals Looking a Bit Better

Both gold and silver took a big hit on June 7th and recovered some last week. The 30-Day Gold chart is much more positive than the 30-Day Silver chart. As this is written, gold is at 650.30 and silver at 12.88. Neither is showing any substantial upward pressure.
Looking at the mining stocks, we find AGXM @ 1.39; CDY 1.76; CEF 9.166; DROOY 0.744 (up 0.0047); EGO 5.96; GFI 16.35; GSS 3.70; HMY 14.55; IAG 7.66; KGC 12.4125; KRY 4.27; MRB 4.311; NEM 38.95; NTO 5.4575; PAAS 37.32; RNO 4.99; SSRI 35.51; XRA 3.25. All are down a bit with the exception of DROOY which is up only slightly. Most are in a good buying range, if you have the stomach for such. But BUYER BEWARE!
I'm back after a profitable and enjoyable business trip. Summer is travel time for me as I have less obligations here at home.
I trust that you had a great time of worship and fellowship with a Christian body. What a joy it is to worship and fellowship with those of the faith of Abraham! God is gracious and gives us this foretaste of Heaven. It is so great to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
Best to each for this new week, Doug
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