Dollars and Gold

We need to hold dollars as the recession continues and unemployment increases. We need gold for the inflation which will certainly follow.
The Federal Reserve, other central banks, and all governments are throwing FIAT currencies at every troubled bank and many businesses. This will result in price inflation somewhere in our future.
It is doubtful that the actions will solve the economic problems. While the dollar continues to rally, the real danger is that foreign individuals and banks will no longer finance the debt America needs to sell to continue the government spending. Perhaps, the greatest danger America faces is the loss of the reserve status of the dollar. Without that, we will not be able to finance anything.
We must batten down our financial hatches by reduced spending, saving as much as possible, lowering debt, and hold on to every source of income.
Make your plans accordingly, cover them with prayer, commit them to the Lord, move out, and depend upon Him for the results. Praise Him for His protection.
Best to each, Doug
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