God Abhors Chaos - More Bailouts - Corn Syrup
Children are to be taught this at a very early age. They must be taught to keep order by picking up their clothes, replacing toys in their proper places, making their beds, and cleaning their messes from every source. Thus, they are taught to take dominion of everything within their scope of authority. They must keep their rooms in order. To do any less is to disobey God.
We as parents must be good examples to the children and grandchildren. It is not enough to be a good speaker of truth, our actions must exhibit a diligence in practicing what we preach. This is not easy, believe me. I am often ashamed of the way my office appears. There are generally papers strewn about. At present, it is time for me to get with the program and bring order out of the chaos of this office. This I purpose to do as soon as this goes out over the wire & air waves.
God is a God of order and decency. He abhors wildernesses and tolerates them only to challenge His people to take dominion and eliminate the chaos. Remember, He left the pagans in the promised land until Joshua was able to conquer and occupy the land. He left the pagans there in order not to let the land return to wilderness.
Let us dedicate our lives to bringing order to all that God has entrusted to each of us and our families. Thank Him daily for the opportunities He presents to us. Be always ready to answer for the hope and joy that He brings to us.

Gold is 894.50 and silver 12.07 with both on up ticks. The mining stocks are beginning to climb on board again, too. DROOY +0.03 to 6.73; HMY +0.34 to 11.62, and VGZ +0.22 to 2.21. Check out the following silver miners: CDE +0.01 to 0.73; PAAS +0.51 to 18.05; SLW +0.16 to 6.58, and SSRI +1.15 to 20.25. How about Central Fund of Canada (CEF) into both silver and gold +0.07 to 10.64. All in all, they are moving in the right direction.
From MineWeb.com:
Gold finding huge traction with money managers
Fears about the state of the U.S. Economy with the metal holding firm in a deflationary environment has led to renewed interest in gold as an investment from professional money managers.
Author: Frank Tang and Jennifer AblanPosted: Thursday , 29 Jan 2009
NEW YORK (Reuters) -
Gold, the traditional safe haven in times of economic turmoil, proved to be more a commodity that everyone loved to hate last year even amid the turbulence that engulfed world markets.
But as 2009 gets under way the yellow metal has found huge traction with money managers.Read it HERE.
This is the type of news typically signaling a great increase in knowledge of the value of real money over the paper currencies. As this news becomes wider spread, the knowledge will be of interest to the masses. Look for such news in your local newspapers. Then get ready for the Gold Rush. I believe it is coming sooner than most believe. Such news reminds me of the volcano at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas. As a prelude to the actual eruption of the volcano, animal sounds are broadcast to the people. As the sound increases, excitement grows among the audience. Then comes the big show and the sound and heat of the explosion excites all present.
More from MineWeb:
As South African mining job cuts mount, unions threaten to strike
South Africa's mining companies are cutting thousands of jobs, adding to the country's high unemployment rate and triggering strike warnings by powerful unions in the country.
Author: James MachariaPosted: Thursday , 29 Jan 2009
South Africa's mining companies are cutting thousands of jobs as the prices of most metals fall, adding to the country's high unemployment rate and triggering strike warnings by the country's powerful unions.
So far about 14,000 mining jobs are on the line, South Africa's Chamber of Mines has said, but analysts say more than 40,000 or 8 percent of the workers in a sector that employs close to half a million people are likely to lose their jobs. Read it HERE.
Just when the South African mines began to flex muscle in the markets, the threat of a strike. Were the strike to come to fruition, these stocks would be temporarily hit. Our trading stocks: DROOY and HMY are South African. We should watch for this news, and perhaps even consider sell stops on a portion of our holdings. The strike would provide an opportunity for adding more to the portfolios.
On the new stimulus package from Chuck Butler's Daily Pfennig today: "Now this is really going to get my blood boiling, but this newest Stimulus Bill... Another almost $900 Billion on the red side of our ledger... And for what? The same graft and cronyism that went on in the 30's with the WPA, and spending on people that if you give them money, what incentive will they have to work on that bridge or highway that needs to be repaired? I'm really sick in my stomach about all this folks... I really just don't know how the media is taking this hook, line and sinker!
I know that the House approved $819 Billion, but I believe that by the time the Senate gets finished with it the Bill will have grown to $890 Billion, or close to $900 Billion as I sate above! When it's all said and done, I bet there's some pork there... And some money allocated to things you wish you knew about and could vote on before it was passed... But wait, we can't vote on these things, we can only vote for the dolts that passed the Bill... Hey... It's your representative, folks... We The People put them there!"
Of course, Chuck knows about our "free" and "objective" media. There are many who are more than slightly aware of the bias in all of our media. He is right on about the bail out package. After all, the uncontrolled Fed has publicly announced that it will take any and all action to end the recession and prevent a depression. Never is the eventual cost mentioned, and typical of all failed actions, the failure was due to "insufficient funding." People in government and pseudo governmental agencies have never believed in the economic principle of "sunk cost."
Sunk cost applies to the cost of past decisions. There is no way to recover this cost as it has been expended. Rather than let that cost shade financial decisions today, it is better to examine the current value of the program on its merit and decide whether it is rational to spend more on it or is it more practical to scrap it and start a new project. This is applicable to investing, as well.
Too often, the investor considers his cost of a particular investment. He should be considering the present market value of the investment. He should weigh his action in regard to the present market value, and ignore his initial cost. The decision which must be faced is what is the best use of the present value. Perhaps, the asset has a great potential of profit from this point forward. Or, maybe the asset should be sold and better use of the proceeds be made in a different investment. He should never let his initial sunk cost inter into the consideration. He can do nothing about the original cost.
Quotes from the past presented in the Daily Pfennig today:
"If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered ... I sincerely believe that the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies." --Thomas Jefferson
"Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism"-Karl Marx, Das Kapital, 1867
Sounds to me like we have ignored Jefferson's warning and followed Karl Marx. What do you think?
Are you interested in the health of yourself and your family? There is so much conflicting information on eating properly, it seems that we must avoid all that tastes good and eat only that which is "healthy." The problem comes in knowing what is healthy and what is not. Here is an interesting article which is not covered in Snopes.com. The title is "Mercury Found in Corn Syrup."The video is HERE.
Here is another excellent quote from the past presented in Casey's Daily Resource Plus:
A vital function of the free market is to penalize inefficiency and misjudgment and to reward efficiency and good judgment. By distorting economic calculations and creating illusory profits, inflation will destroy this function. - Henry Hazlitt
This is what the government and central banks are trying to avoid at all cost. However, this is really the one true fix for all types of markets and businesses. It really works rapidly and at the least cost.
Best to each, Doug
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