Thoughts on Markets

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Volatility Everywhere

The volatility continues in the general market, as well as in the precious metals and mining stocks. Oil bounces up and down, too. There is much uncertainty in the markets today. That makes for more volatility.

We are still trying to settle the Iran situation. The dollar has bounced up a bit against the EURO. Even the Islandic Krone has been hit some. Also, the pressure for Chinese upward revaluation of the Renminbi. Another car bomb at a mall in Iraq added fuel to the market fire. Harmony (HMY) and DRDGold (DROOY)are in court against price gouging in steel. Apparently, there are other companies involved.

Gold has been above $550 since Friday of last week until it dropped to $547.80 this morning at 10:47 NY Time. The high for the last 24 hours was $555.60 yesterday afternoon at 12:32 NY Time. The low this morning was a spike down and it is back up to $552.20 now.

DROOY is at $1.50; HMY $15.66; NEM $57.04; SSRI $17.08.

Nothing earth shattering so far.

Best to each, Doug


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