Thoughts on Markets

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Correction Slows, Some That Is!

Well, I did buy the QEE (Queenstake) today at $0.42. It took patience and a follow-up limit order today. By the way, QEE traded as low as $0.41 today and closed at $0.43 which seems to me to still be a reasonable buy. After all, it was above $0.55 a few days ago and is likely to return and even go higher. One does not need more than a few pennies increase in price to have a sizeable gain in percent and dollars.

CGDF (Columbian Goldfields) has traded recently as high as about $2.85, yesterday it closed about $1.95, and today closed at $1.88. This was recommended by Ken Coleman in a Special Flyer advertising The Investment Tracker. I purchased shares of CGDF at $2.42, $2.33, and $2.25. The prices followed the my normal success >> Buy and down it goes!

Gold has been trading between $675 and $691 with one downward thrust to $674 for the last twenty-four hours. It seems to be signaling an end to the current correction, but we will have to wait and see the action tomorrow. Silver has corrected in concert with gold.

These are exciting times, but I still see these corrections as a time to add to our stock of precious metals and mining stocks. By the way, the mining stocks are holding up well in spite of the rather serious drop in gold prices. That is encouraging.

I still believe the general market is much too dangerous for much investment and bonds are suffering, because of rising interest rates. By the way, do you believe the government estimates of the "low" price inflation. Check prices of the food and other consumables you buy each day. Price inflation seems to be increasing except in real estate. Observe the drop in value of condos these days. WOW!

It takes courage and commitment to hang rough during these times and to take careful action. Once again, we must prepare for these times by studying the trends and markets and making careful plans. Then we must commit them to the Lord, act on our plans and expect Him to give us the results or point us in a different direction.

Best to each, Doug


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