Thoughts on Markets

Friday, July 14, 2006

Mid East Impact on Oil & Precious Metals

The DJI is off 117+ to 10725. Oil is above $78 a barrel. Gold is up to $667.10 from a low of $646.10 yesterday morning at 11:33. Silver is hanging on at $11.47, but not yet galloping.

The mid east situation with Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran was aggravated by the capture of Israel soldiers and the retaliation of Israel against Lebanon. What a week it has been! When we aren't stirring the pot with our debt, deficits, and wanton spending, the rest of the world adds some vinegar.

The meeting between our President and Putin of Russia will be a challenge. President Bush will be meeting with the leader of a powerful nations who is well situated with the rest of Asia and Europe. In fact, most of the Asia and Europe is in opposition to the USG stand in the mid east. Thus, Mr. Bush will be up against it at the meeting and will have an uphill battle to win any concessions.

By the way, did you notice that China has entered into an agreement with Australia to buy uranium to supply the vast demands for more electrical power. It is reported to be a major purchase which will help the Australian economy. That economy is one of the major natural resource economies of the world.

Japan raised interest rates by 0.25 moving off the zero rate which has been in place for several years. More raises will follow as the economy is strengthening.

As I have often said, "These are certainly interesting times!" I am glad that I am not in control, because I would likely make more of a mess than there already is. The sovereign God of all is certainly the only one equipped to go the job, and I rest in the fact that He is at the helm.

We are once again at the week end. Be sure to join in corporate worship of King Jesus. Only He is the worthy Lamb of God.

Best to each, Doug


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