Thoughts on Markets

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

DROOY and BGO are in Buying Range

Today, I bought DROOY at 1.17 and BGO at as low as 5.14. I believe both to be good buys.

DRD Gold (DROOY) has not been as profitable as it could have been and I believe most of their temporary troubles are over. Bema (BGO) is about to merge with Kenross to make a very large mining company. BGO shares are scheduled to be replaced at .441 per share of the new combined companies.

It will surprise me if the Democrats fail to gain the House in the election. The Senate is still up for grabs in my opinion. The results will be coming in quite soon and then we will know for sure.

You might want to consider purchases of the mining shares particularly if the Democrats take the House. That would be negative for the dollar. That coupled with the current exodus of the dollar by a growing number of central banks will spell even more trouble for the ailing dollar.

Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ and dig into His word for answers to all of life's challenges and troubles.

Best to each, Doug


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