Thoughts on Markets

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Have You Checked Precious Metals Today?

Notice that gold is up strongly against the dollar, but down in a number of currencies. Thus, the dollar is mixed today.I suggest you check at .

Gold has been as high as 954+ and has been trading around 950 all day. It is now 949.50. Silver has done about the same with a high of 18+ and is now at 17.86. Platinum has been pushing 2190 and is now about 2185. The precious metals are sprinting ahead. These prices should make the common media today. Maybe, even the TV entertainers (They tend to call themselves reporters, BUT.) will relent and give out some word on these prices.

Those of you who have been on board for some time should be thankful to the Lord for this current blessing. Remember that He is in control, so praise Him and show sincere gratitude. He deserves all the credit. We should not take credit for ourselves. Every time the Israelites did that He sent them into captivity. They never did learn. We must learn that lesson and apply it in our lives.

There are likely to be corrections along the way, but $1000+ gold is obviously not as far fetched as some would like to believe. I will be cautiously adding with each correction, regardless of how small it may seem. My purchases will be incremental with few dollars at a time. I like Vista Gold (VGZ) currently.

By the way, both Durban (DROOY) and Harmony (HMY) are strongly above $11 presently. They are some of my core holdings.

While the temptation is to sell into this rise in price, I am holding on and resisting the temptation to sell anything in precious or base metals or other natural resources. The stocks in these sectors are remaining comfortably in my portfolio. Even some of the options are keepers.

Study and make your own decisions. My decisions may not be right for you all the time.

Best to each, Doug


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