Volatility is the Word Again Last Week - WOW!
Well, well, the DJI caused a good bit of excitement last week. Must have been very encouraging for the bulls who have been hammered lately. We are still being treated to a mixed bag in the markets, but the DJI did make a good upward move by end of Friday. Has a bottom been set in for this market. Possibly, but look at the graph. The DJI will have to move above 10,000 to cross the 200 day moving average. Will they do it? We will be checking this week to see what happens. Keep an eye on the Transportations, too. We do need a confirmation by both.
The upward move in the miners hit a sandy spot on Friday and closed down some. Notice that the miners followed the DJI most of the week, but failed to follow on Friday. They, too, are well below the 200 moving average.
Gold is up some over night. The spot price is 730.20 as this is written. It is not too impressive at this time. The paper (futures trading) seems to be setting the price for gold at too low a level in spite of the fact that the physical gold remains in critically short supply. That is not a natural situation.
Silver has moved up a good bit overnight and is no at 10.01 up 0.15. Not bad. Will it hold?
I was on a business trip last week and out of touch for a while. That was the cause of my absence. I trust you have not given up on me. Like a bad penny, I keep turning up again and again. That is, until the Lord calls me home.
By the way, this is the week that God lets us know His selection for our next president. With all the fear and dread from either side of the opposing candidate, we are apt to forget that God knows what He is doing and He will select the best person for the long term good of His people. As His people, we must rest peacefully in the wonderful fact of His sovereignty over every little thing.
In Romans Chapter One, we are told that no authority on earth exists without the preordination of our Sovereign God. Christians world wide should rest securely and peacefully in this knowledge. We do not have to worry and fret as the lost of this world. Our God is in control and working all things for the eventual good of His people. Praise the Lord daily for His love and grace toward us.
Then when people see that you are at peace, you will have the opportunity to tell them the reason. What a wonderful way to share the gospel with the world.
We must also do our part and vote in accordance with biblical principles. A qualified candidate will acknowledge that God is in control and that if he is elected to office, he is required as a minister of God to act in full concert with the word of God. If he does not know these two facts, he is not a qualified candidate and the Christian should not vote for him. Be certain that you cast a vote for a fully qualified candidate.
Best to each, Doug
The upward move in the miners hit a sandy spot on Friday and closed down some. Notice that the miners followed the DJI most of the week, but failed to follow on Friday. They, too, are well below the 200 moving average.
Gold is up some over night. The spot price is 730.20 as this is written. It is not too impressive at this time. The paper (futures trading) seems to be setting the price for gold at too low a level in spite of the fact that the physical gold remains in critically short supply. That is not a natural situation.
Silver has moved up a good bit overnight and is no at 10.01 up 0.15. Not bad. Will it hold?
I was on a business trip last week and out of touch for a while. That was the cause of my absence. I trust you have not given up on me. Like a bad penny, I keep turning up again and again. That is, until the Lord calls me home.
By the way, this is the week that God lets us know His selection for our next president. With all the fear and dread from either side of the opposing candidate, we are apt to forget that God knows what He is doing and He will select the best person for the long term good of His people. As His people, we must rest peacefully in the wonderful fact of His sovereignty over every little thing.
In Romans Chapter One, we are told that no authority on earth exists without the preordination of our Sovereign God. Christians world wide should rest securely and peacefully in this knowledge. We do not have to worry and fret as the lost of this world. Our God is in control and working all things for the eventual good of His people. Praise the Lord daily for His love and grace toward us.
Then when people see that you are at peace, you will have the opportunity to tell them the reason. What a wonderful way to share the gospel with the world.
We must also do our part and vote in accordance with biblical principles. A qualified candidate will acknowledge that God is in control and that if he is elected to office, he is required as a minister of God to act in full concert with the word of God. If he does not know these two facts, he is not a qualified candidate and the Christian should not vote for him. Be certain that you cast a vote for a fully qualified candidate.
Best to each, Doug
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