The first article, below, is a threat to God's ordained family. Men, particularly those in power, always believe they can do better than God. They seek their own solution to every perceived problem rather than turn to the Creator God who provides His operation manual, the Bible. The Bible is the only infallible guide for all of life. King Jesus left us with instructions for the way we must live. To ignore this and strike out on our own, as we are wont to do, is the pathway that leads to death under the curse of the living God of all. He promises blessings for obedience and His wrath for disobedience. Remember, His word never returns void. It always accomplished that for which it was sent.

The Miners are responding well to the higher plateau of the metals. It appears that though the
GDX has been finding resistance at the 200 day moving average, it could well break through that barrier today. We will be watching to see the progress. Meanwhile
DROOY is at 8.11;
HMY 11.38, and
VGZ 2.29. The
ETFs and Trusts in precious metals:
CEF 11.388;
GLD 90.2199, and
SLV 12.67. These are higher levels than we have seen in some time. More people are climbing on board before the last train out.

In the
GLD graph, above, we see that the price has broken through both 50 and 200 day moving averages and is well on its way higher. Of course, it could get slapped down again, but there is a good deal of buying on every, even small dip.

Both silver and gold are holding well at this higher plateau. When hammered down by intervention, they bounce back almost instantaneously. Are the bullion banks and the Federal Reserve losing clout in these markets. They seem to intervene during the times of very light trading. Gold is 917.30 and silver 12.82 with both on up ticks. It is important for gold to stay above 900 and to surpass 935 in the near future. For silver above 12 is good, but it should crack 13 for more progress.
One caveat is that there is a great increase in interest in the precious metals. This normally occurs in the early stages of the third phase. However, there are some false starts along the way. A
contrarian view is that when there is too much positive interest, it could be a time for greater caution. The markets of today are confusing to most.
This time, it truly is different. We have never seen as wide spread financial crisis as the one of today.
It is world wide!We are in
uncharted waters, as I have said before. I am beginning to wonder if we are really in the early stage of the eventual gold rush. With all the
unbacked paper currencies recently sent into the financial arena, can roaring inflation be far behind? I think NOT!
I am prepared to add to the portfolio on the dips which may provide opportunity. We are looking long term which is much clearer than short term. Long term, there will be inflation; perhaps, as in 1979-1980.
A warning from
World Net Daily:
WND Exclusive" border="0" width="181" height="20">
THE NEW WORLD DISORDER United Nations' threat: No more parental rights Expert: Pact would ban spankings, homeschooling if children object
Posted: February 05, 2009
12:00 am Eastern
By Chelsea Schilling © 2009 WorldNetDaily
A United Nations human rights treaty that could prohibit children from being spanked or homeschooled, ban youngsters from facing the death penalty and forbid parents from deciding their families' religion is on America's doorstep, a legal expert warns. Read the article HERE.
Comment: The UN charter respects and declares the power of governments, not the rights of citizens. Therefore it is contrary to the Bible and our Constitution. The Bible reveals God's basic unit of society as the family: Father, Mother, and Children. This basic unit of ALL society has the total authority for raising children in the fear and admonition of God. It is to serve God for His glory and for the furthering of His Kingdom. When the UN moves in these ungodly and un-Constitutional directions, it reminds us that the US must leave the UN and that the UN must leave America.
Record debt sale by Treasury may prompt monetization
Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2009-02-04 22:56. Treasury in Plans for Record Debt Sale
By Michael Mackenzie and Krishna Guha
Financial Times, London
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The US Treasury on Wednesday opened the floodgates of government bond issuance, revealing plans for a record debt sale in February and more frequent auctions in the months to come. Read the article HERE.
Comment: There is great danger of hyper-inflation with the continuation of these failed policies. Think of the skyrocketing growth of our international debt with another trillion or so dollars on the way now from the pork barrel bail out called a stimulus package. Now this plan will add to that.
From The Times Online:
February 4, 2009
Gordon Brown suggests world heading for a 'depression'
Philippe Naughton Gordon Brown appeared to acknowledge for the first time today that the world economy was heading for a 1930s-style “depression”.Read the article HERE.
Comment: The dreaded "D" word uttered in public. WOW!
From MineWeb Singapore:
Goldman raises gold price forecast to $1,000 as ETF holdings hit new record
Despite falling back, the gold price so far is holding above $900 as the market absorbs news of a further record SPDR Gold Trust ETF holding and a bullish forecast from Goldman Sachs.
Author: Lewa Pardomuan
Posted: Thursday , 05 Feb 2009
SINGAPORE (Reuters) -
Gold edged down on Thursday after rising in New York on safe haven buying amid a global financial crisis, with record holdings on the world's largest gold-backed ETF supporting sentiment. Read the article HERE.
Comment: $1,000 gold in three months? Could well be! The safe haven buying is growing.
More from MineWeb:
China's ore lust is long term not near term
China is making moves to secure long term supplies and current markets provide a scenario in which this can be done at bargain prices says analyst and commentator Keith Goode. And, as almost alway with China, all may not be as it seems on surface.
Author: Ross Louthean
Posted: Wednesday , 04 Feb 2009
One of Australia's best known analysts and share market commentators, Keith Goode, of Sydney-based Eagle Advisory Service (ERA), reckons China is clearly on a quest now to control orebodies outside of China to achieve a goal not focused now on three years ahead but for the next 20 to 40 years. This, he said, was being achieved either by funding companies or controlling them - acquisitions in today's dire climate being achieved at bargain prices. Goode makes a sweeping assessment of the changing times in China and the impact this is having on global commodity prices and Australian miners and mine developers in particular. Read it HERE.
Comment: The Asian have always had a long term view of life. We Americans are too impatient which gives them a great advantage. However, if we Christians would accurately interpret God's Word, we, too, would have a long term perspective. We are to be working, ourselves, and to be preparing future generations to carry on the Kingdom Work of Jesus Christ. Let's purpose to attack this mission with greater diligence and vigor today.
Though this is from a biased source Pakistan Daily there is a general truth in the article:
Israeli Spokesman Says We Control Stupid Americans
Sunday, 01 February 2009 01:09
"Another Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache, stated that she was not worried about negative ramifications the Israeli onslaught on Gaza might have on the way the Obama administration would view Israel. She said 'You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel." Read the article HERE.
Comment: The truth in the article comes from the widely held false belief that Israel of today is the Israel of the Old Testament and that it is remains God's chosen people. The baton of the Scriptures which was carried by the Israel of old was passed to the New Israel: the church. The transfer was made complete with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Romans. It is now the responsibility of the church to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth by proclaiming the Lordship and Salvation which comes from Jesus Christ alone.
Folks, I believe it is time to really batten down the hatches by reducing debt and cutting spending. Times do not seem to be getting a lot better any time soon, and we are facing a time of inflation.
Best to each, Doug
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