Thoughts on Markets

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Failure of Our Families and Churches in the 20th Century


This is a three day weekend, so there will be only international markets until Tuesday morning. It would be an easy time for the boyz to trample the precious metals markets. There should be very light trading during this period. As of now 9 pm Central Time May 23, they have not chosen to hammer them yet. They still have time.

I have been listening to a very interesting series of CDs on the Twentieth Century which was characterized by a slaughter of men and minds. There have been many causes of the slaughter of minds. It seems to me that the greatest cause were twofold.

First, there was the deliberate Marxist take over of our motion picture industry and schools. It was deliberate as the Marxist took control of Columbia University to train teachers to become human engineers to cause students to become virtual unthinking robots who desired to be cared for by the state. This social engineering produced students who were dependent upon the state as a false messiah.

The state actually became and idol in the full sense of the word. The movement which was perfected by Stalin and his followers was almost complete by the end of the 1960s. Of course, it began much earlier.

By the way, the major difference between socialism and communism is that in communism most of the major industries and financial businesses are owned by the state. This seems to be the case as the new administration obtains more and more ownership or control over banks, and other failing industries; such as, GM, and likely Chrysler. This is taking place under the guise of bail out of businesses considered too big to fail.

Second, and likely equally as important is the feminist movement, particularly, in America. This has not elevated women, but, rather, it has degraded women and moved them out of their primary place in the home into the work place, and finally into the military front lines.

Little do these women know of their noble calling as mothers in the home. Little do they realize the great impact that they have in the homes in preparing the children for the task of glorifying God and furthering His kingdom. They can have a great impact upon multiple generations of off spring for the glory of God by performing the task of raising children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord under their husbands who are ultimately responsible. They are called to be help meets for their husbands.

The bible even tells women that they are saved through child bearing. This is a glorious God-given responsibility. The Godly woman rejoices, as my wife often did that she was my perfectly appropriate helper. She often told me that she was glad that I was the one who had to answer to the Lord for the family and that she did not. It was a great peace to her. She was a Godly wife who feared the Lord and attempted to instill the word of God in our children and grandchildren. She knew her calling of God and responded to in so many ways for which I am eternally thankful to her and to the Lord for her 55 years of courtship and marriage.

Also, in the feminist movement, we have seen the feminizing of men. Most young men of today are without proper respect for women and children. In the audio CD which I was privileged to hear, it was pointed out that the sentiment on the Titanic was women and children first. Most of the men willingly stayed behind and died as the Titanic sunk, but the women and children were saved. Would that be the situation today? I think not.

We send women to battle in the military where they are slaughtered, raped by the enemy, and often ravished by the men in our military. Men are to be protectors of women, but are they today?

How many of you young men open the door for your girl friends and wives. How many of you back away and let the woman go through the doors or board the elevators before you. Simple acts of courtesy of this type may not seem important, but this is a way of showing women that you are their protectors. These may seem trivial to you, but are critically important in developing the respect that men are to show to women.

As men have become feminized, they have failed to exercise their responsibility as heads of households, as the spiritual leaders which God has called them to be. One of the Marxist ideas was to undermine the father, husband as patriarchal head of the family. They taught that the father was not really necessary in the home. This has lead to a break down in families.

We must realize that the family is God's basic unit of society. Under God's plan it consists of a father, husband with a wife, mother as his help meet and children for which the parents are responsible for raising in the fear and admonition of the Lord to have a Christian world and life view which they are to live out and perpetuate to their own children for generations which follow.

Churches must teach this and insist that their members heed the word of God on all aspects of life. A recovery from our American decadence will come about only as the people of God humble themselves before the only true Sovereign God of all, repent, turn from their wicked ways, and follow the word of God in all areas of life.

This must be done from the bottom up. It must be initiated in the family, the churches, and the communities. Then it can flow upward to the states and the national level. God preserves His remnant for the reestablishment of this city set on a hill as the light unto the world its founders foresaw. With the blessing of God, America can once again become the great nation it once was.

Let's get to the task at hand and raise generations of God fearing children who will take over the kingdom work under Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.

Best to each, Doug


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