Thoughts on Markets

Friday, June 05, 2009

Boyz are giving us another buying opportunity!

Below is the Gold Miners graph revealing a break below the lower upward trend line. This shows that the prices may go a bit lower. However, the upward longer term trend is still upward.

Here is the Hecla Mining graph revealing a trading range from about 2.80 to as high as 3.75. However, I have drawn the upper limit at 3.50. Also, I have indicated a buying range just above 3.00. I consider for the time being a buying range below 3.10. For today, the price was as low as 3.10 with a high of 3.30. The last was 3.16.
The buying range may return today, but we will have to wait and see. Here are the other miners of interest: DROOY 9.10; HMY 11.10; SLW 10.45, and VGZ 2.46.

Remember tomorrow is the Lord's Day and He calls us to corporate worship. Do not deprive yourselves of this wonderful experience and opportunity for growth in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Having a few challenges today, so will have to cut this short. Refrigerator man is on his way to check out my refer. We will be celebrating Heather's birthday and Daniel's High School graduation today. A full day with a tub full of blessings. May your day be filled with God's grace and providence.

Best to each, Doug

Best to each, Doug


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