Thoughts on Markets

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No Free Markets Only Intervention in More Areas of Our Individual and Business Lives

The pattern of gold and silver suggest that the boyz are back at their game of capping the metals. Gold is particularly obvious, while silver is more stealth like. I imagine that the dollar was bolstered at almost exactly the same time as the other side of the game.

Gold stock souring continues

Listed gold (and also uranium and silver) stocks continue to backtrack, with few signs of a bottom.

Author: Barry Sergeant
Posted: Monday , 18 Jan 2010


The biggest gold "stock" in the world currently ranks as the US-based SPDR Gold Shares ETF, quoted on several stock exchanges, and, as an exchange traded fund, a security lacking all the risks that go with holding an operating gold stock, of which Toronto-based Barrick currently ranks as the biggest, with a market value of USD 39bn.

The SPDR Gold Shares ETF, an exchange traded fund, holds physical gold bullion, and has only been around since 2004. Its current outmatching of Barrick is more than a matter of tracking the dollar gold bullion price, which touched an all-time nominal peak of USD 1226.56 an ounce in early December, and is currently quoted around USD 1136.00 an ounce. Read the article HERE.


Officials believe one of the largest gold resources in the world lies within BC

British Columbia is Canada's largest copper producer, only moly miner, and largest coal exporter. The province may also be host to one of the world's largest gold resources.

Author: Dorothy Kosich
Posted: Tuesday , 19 Jan 2010


Exploration spending in British Columbia reached C$154 million last year with 30 mine development projects submitted to the provincial government.

BC Minister of State for Mining Randy Hawes said it was the "sixth-highest total for exploration spending in the last 20 years. " However, it was still down substantially from the $367 million spent on BC exploration in 2008. Read it HERE.


Are Republicans "Due"?
by Thomas Sowell

When a baseball player has come to bat after failing to get a hit twenty times in a row, some fans say he is "due" for a hit. But statisticians say he is no more likely to get a hit in this at bat than at any other time. In other words, there is no such thing as being "due."

After the Republicans went from being the dominant party, at both the state and national levels, just a few years ago, and got clobbered at the polls by the Democrats two elections in a row, some people think the Republicans are "due" to make a comeback in this fall's elections.

Maybe it will happen. The polls show that the voting public is getting more and more fed up with the Obama administration and with both houses of Congress that are dominated by Democrats. But, when election day comes, nobody can vote for polls. It still takes a candidate to beat a candidate-- and the question is whether the Republicans come up with the kinds of candidates that can win. Read it HERE.

The Republican Party is a party which has for decades been satisfied to lose less rather than to go for the win. Most members have left their conservative platforms to compromise at almost every point. Thus, they have failed to distinguish themselves from the so-called liberal Democrats. The Republicans will never be a party of integrity until they return to strong conservatism which encompasses free markets, small government, limited spending, less involvement in the lives of citizens and businesses, and balanced budgets. This will not happen with either major party.


Save Lives in Haiti, End Lives in America?
by Chuck Norris

While White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was announcing Friday all that the present administration was doing to save lives in Haiti, he reported that President Barack Obama was meeting with both the House and Senate Democrats to resolve how they could provide federal funds via Obamacare to terminate more American lives in the womb.

Is it not incongruous to anyone else that our president, who professes to be an advocate for all minorities, isn't one for the most disadvantaged to survival? What type of "health care" is that for the least among (and within) us? Read it HERE.

Do you think those in power see the conflict of thought? Save the Haitians and kill Americans before they leave the womb to see life. The God of scripture has a high regard for the life of men. He has created each of them in His own image in the womb. They are precious in His sight, but we are murdering them by the thousands here in America. That is an abomination which is certainly a result of us turning our backs on the Sovereign God. We, as a people and a nation can not escape the punishment due us for such violations of the Law of God.

Miners from

Currencies from

Some current prices: FVITF 2.677; BYDDF 8.41; DOW up 63 to 10668; Gold off 1 to 1131.70; Silver off 0.03 to 18.58. If silver goes lower, I will be buying Silver Eagles or Maple Leafs. I look to buy close to $20 each. These are poor man's gold and make good gifts for children which are much better than the mind-numbing electronic games and gadgets. Hopefully, you will take advantage of the opportunity of teaching young people to be frugal and the benefits of saving.

Best to each, Doug


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