Rebuilding the City of God - No Free Markets Only Intervention Still
As 2009 draws to an end, we should give grateful appreciation to the Sovereign God who created all that is and remains in total control of all. He, alone, knows man for the weak creature he is. Since He knows our weaknesses, He has given us new days, weeks, months, and years which steadily roll by. But with each of the news, He provides us with an opportunity to renew our commitment to Him and pray that with the help of the Holy Spirit, He will help us follow our commitments. I believe that His word presents this perspective to us along with the obligation of reviewing our failures and successes of the past time period, particularly, as a new year approaches. We learn more from careful consideration of failures than from successes.
Remember that the results of our actions are in His hands. Let us ever be certain to praise Him for the results and never let our pride get in the way of giving Him the credit. After all, we work to please Him. His is ALL the glory. It is never ours, but we can certainly rest in the fact that the glory belongs to Him.
Let us commit for 2010 to give Him first place in our lives. Let us prayerfully strive under the power of the Holy Spirit to develop and live in the Christian world and life perspective. Let us strive to build the Augustine's City of God to replace the fallen U.S.A.s City of Man. The Lord has laid out this task for us. Let us rise to the occasion as did our founding fathers. We have build the City of Man in America and replaced the founding fathers foundation for the City of God.
I believe that God still has a great plan for the America that once was. Our task is great, but the power of God is greater than any problem we face. With Him, we cannot fail.
Here are the two silver stocks which are peaking my interest still. I am interested in adding more of each. Hopefully, we will see prices a bit lower in the near future. Keep your powder dry and wait a bit for the opportunity. I will keep you posted on my actions, then you can decide for yourself after weighing your special requirements.
Obama's 'Most Important Message'?
By Chuck Norris
As I wrote last week, I knew that President Barack Obama's Christian message in his Christmas address was going to be the weakest in presidential history. But never did I expect to hear him dodge children on the main message of Christmas and then teach them a revised version. Read the entire message HERE.
Yes, the president revealed his either poor knowledge or disdain of Christianity. You decide which it was. Perhaps, even both.
Remember that the results of our actions are in His hands. Let us ever be certain to praise Him for the results and never let our pride get in the way of giving Him the credit. After all, we work to please Him. His is ALL the glory. It is never ours, but we can certainly rest in the fact that the glory belongs to Him.
Let us commit for 2010 to give Him first place in our lives. Let us prayerfully strive under the power of the Holy Spirit to develop and live in the Christian world and life perspective. Let us strive to build the Augustine's City of God to replace the fallen U.S.A.s City of Man. The Lord has laid out this task for us. Let us rise to the occasion as did our founding fathers. We have build the City of Man in America and replaced the founding fathers foundation for the City of God.
I believe that God still has a great plan for the America that once was. Our task is great, but the power of God is greater than any problem we face. With Him, we cannot fail.
Here are the two silver stocks which are peaking my interest still. I am interested in adding more of each. Hopefully, we will see prices a bit lower in the near future. Keep your powder dry and wait a bit for the opportunity. I will keep you posted on my actions, then you can decide for yourself after weighing your special requirements.
Obama's 'Most Important Message'?
By Chuck Norris
As I wrote last week, I knew that President Barack Obama's Christian message in his Christmas address was going to be the weakest in presidential history. But never did I expect to hear him dodge children on the main message of Christmas and then teach them a revised version. Read the entire message HERE.
Yes, the president revealed his either poor knowledge or disdain of Christianity. You decide which it was. Perhaps, even both.
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