Greece - Arizona Protects Borders - Feds are destroying the Constitution
The graph, below, is of one of my favorite silver miners, Fortuna. The graph does not present a healthy picture. However, I have been buying FVITF around 2.30. It has performed well, but is being hit along with all the miners at present.
From Chuck Norris in
Lambs to the Slaughter, Part 1
Right now, Washington is scheming and scamming to erode and then erase the Second Amendment from our Constitution. And it will accomplish it through the signing of international treaties on gun control, bypassing the normal legislative process in Congress, tightening regulations upon firearm and ammunition manufacturers, using the anti-gun financing of tycoons and ultimately confiscating all firearms under the guise of terrorism patrol and enforcement. Without public debate and cloaked in secrecy, gun control covertly will come upon us like a thief in the night. One day, we will wake up to discover that the U.S. has signed a global treaty that will prohibit any transfer of firearm ownership, force reductions in the number of firearms privately owned and eventually eradicate the planet of guns for law-abiding citizens. Of course, the criminals still will have their guns illegally. And on that day, if you do not comply with that global treaty, you will be fined and face imprisonment. This is not a fictitious story or false warning. As sure as government health care has been shoved down our throats, so will the barrels of our guns. And left with little defense, we will go as lambs to the slaughter. Read it HERE.
Merkel says Greek bailout should proceed only if euro in jeopardy
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou's request for an EU-IMF relief package worth €45 billion met resistance from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who said aid should only be offered if the stability of the euro were at stake. Read it HERE and see the video.
Will Goldman Sachs prove greed is God?
So Goldman Sachs, the world's greatest and smuggest investment bank, has been sued for fraud by the American Securities and Exchange Commission. Legally, the case hangs on a technicality.Morally, however, the Goldman Sachs case may turn into a final referendum on the greed-is-good ethos that conquered America sometime in the 80s – and in the years since has aped other horrifying American trends such as boy bands and reality shows in spreading across the western world like a venereal disease. Read it HERE.
More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship
WASHINGTON — Amid mounting frustration over taxation and banking problems, small but growing numbers of overseas Americans are taking the weighty step of renouncing their citizenship.
“What we have seen is a substantial change in mentality among the overseas community in the past two years,” said Jackie Bugnion, director of American Citizens Abroad, an advocacy group based in Geneva. “Before, no one would dare mention to other Americans that they were even thinking of renouncing their U.S. nationality. Now, it is an openly discussed issue.” Read it HERE.
WOW! How many times, I have thought about leaving America during the last 40 years. If I could have moved my whole family and found employment for my children, we would have gone. However, God seems to want us all here.
America is a for more immoral country than it was during the early years, and even during the 1940s and 1950s. We seem to have lost all vestiges of statesmanship and are saddled with politicians interested only in power and perpetuating their plush time in office.
From Ed Steer's Daily Gold and Silver Report: "When half of the people get the idea that they don't have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for... that, my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation. - Author Unknown
This is a great quote for today. That is our situation in the welfare state of America led by communist fascist.
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