Winds of War in the mid-east
Hezbollah has attacked an Israel ship and now they have launched some 50 rockets into Israel territory. These are acts of war. We knew that Israel would not stand idly by and take it. They have taken out via air strikes a bridge in Lebanon. That this is war can not be doubted.
The impact upon the price of oil and gold will be for greatly increased prices in terms of the weak dollar and most other currencies. In San Antonio, we are likely to join with the rest of the nation in seeing gasoline at the pumps exceed $3.00. An obvious thought, KEEP YOUR TANKS FULL! I would expect gold to rush rapidly to $700-$800 unless the situation cools greatly over the week end.
The fundamentalist will push for us to take the side of Israel. How will we react?
Other looming questions will come through the meeting between President Bush and Putin and the G8 meeting. Bush will be in a rather hostile environment in both meetings as most of Asia and Europe is opposed to our mid-east actions. Add to that the fact that President Bush is a "lame duck" president on his last term in that office. Not a great bargaining position.
Our nation needs great prayer over this heated situation. We, His people, must humble ourselves before the living God, repent of sin, turn from our evil ways, pray for His grace to see us through this situation. We should be encouraged, because God works all things together for our eventual good.
I urge you to join in corporate worship of our King tomorrow. This is a vital part of spiritual life and is urgently needed.
Best to each, Doug
The impact upon the price of oil and gold will be for greatly increased prices in terms of the weak dollar and most other currencies. In San Antonio, we are likely to join with the rest of the nation in seeing gasoline at the pumps exceed $3.00. An obvious thought, KEEP YOUR TANKS FULL! I would expect gold to rush rapidly to $700-$800 unless the situation cools greatly over the week end.
The fundamentalist will push for us to take the side of Israel. How will we react?
Other looming questions will come through the meeting between President Bush and Putin and the G8 meeting. Bush will be in a rather hostile environment in both meetings as most of Asia and Europe is opposed to our mid-east actions. Add to that the fact that President Bush is a "lame duck" president on his last term in that office. Not a great bargaining position.
Our nation needs great prayer over this heated situation. We, His people, must humble ourselves before the living God, repent of sin, turn from our evil ways, pray for His grace to see us through this situation. We should be encouraged, because God works all things together for our eventual good.
I urge you to join in corporate worship of our King tomorrow. This is a vital part of spiritual life and is urgently needed.
Best to each, Doug
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