The Boyz Are Attacking Gold Again - Still

Both were up rather nicely in the European and Asian markets overnight. Silver is now $18.10 and gold $957. DRD Gold (DROOY) remains below $7 and I like it at those prices. Now $6.79, while it was as low as $6.70 earlier.
The Dow is up 6.11 now. Remember it was down about 50 or so yesterday.
The general market remains a dangerous place to play. Keep your children (dollars, that is) off the streets and wait for better times. The economic news says danger ahead. The market is sending mixed signals. We will have to batten down the hatches and keep our powder dry. We are in a recession whether or not the government will admit this fact. More and more commentators, away from the national media, are giving this warning. How long, O' Lord is the question.
The time for payment for our excess of debt seems to be approaching very rapidly. It seems that the economic storm is on the near horizon. We are approaching the time when America will drastically change. It seems that Obama will be the next president, but I doubt very seriously that he is interested in changing America for the better. It will be much worse with him in the White House. He apparently, from the reports on the internet, has too many ties with our Muslem enemies. Regardless of who occupies the White House, we are facing economic turmoil.
We should be thankful that our Sovereign God is in control. Perhaps, He will use this to bring Americans to their knees in prayer to Him. His discipline never seems good at the time, but in the long run, we are reminded that nothing can separate us from His love. That is why, we, in faith, can "Be still and know that He is God." We can look forward toward the future with the eyes of faith which comes from Him.
Best to each, Doug
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