We Have Lost Fervent Love of Freedom! - Metals Capped Again
As we turn away from God's law, this is to be expected. As a nation we have lost the love and dedication to freedom and liberty held by our founding fathers. They used their wealth and most fought and died, because they believed very strongly in something that was greater than themselves. Not all, but many were Christians. No, the colonies and These United States were never a totally Christian. However, the Bible was well known and widely spoken of in public and private arenas on a daily basis. This had a profound impact upon the formation of our nation and its Constitution. The Bible was a great influence in the beginning and for many years here in America.
We Christians are called by God to humble ourselves before King Jesus, to repent of our sins, to turn from them to the Living God, and to follow His way. We will know His way only as we prayerfully study His word with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, fellowship with dedicated Christians, listen to Godly sermons which over time present the whole counsel of God, and partake of Christ ordained sacraments. Let us purpose to do this, because this is God's demand and He promises to heal our land, if we do it.
Let us daily thank Him for preserving us as a nation for so long and seek His grace to heal our land now. Praise the Lord daily.

Gold is now at $899 on a down tick. Perhaps, we are being treated to another buying opportunity.

Folks, Have you seen these ads which are beginning to appear on the Internet and in the general media? These were prevalent in late 1979 and early 1980 as gold flew to higher levels. "Cash for Gold" was the message then and even now. Check the following from the Internet.
"Turn Unwanted or Broken Jewelry into CASH!Dollars4Gold will pay you top dollar for your broken or unwanted jewelry! Why go to a pawn shop or jeweler and get a fraction of what you can get when you deal directly with the refiner? At Dollars4Gold, you are skipping the middle-man."
From 321Gold:
This is Just the Beginning
Peter Schiff
Feb 9, 2009
"The stronger dollar gives the Federal Government plenty of cover to a pursue a policy of rampant monetary inflation in order to re-inflate the collapsing bubble. Even though the Federal Reserve has thrown trillions of new dollars into circulation, those dollars have actually gained purchasing power - contrary to economic law. This, along with inventory liquidations and going-out-of-business sales, has kept a lid on consumer prices. The continued, although misguided, appeal of U.S. debt has also made it possible for the government to garner cheap financing for its equally misguided and massive bails-outs and stimulus packages." Read the article HERE.
Comment: I wish that I had thought of this as another mask for the inflation we are experiencing. The strong dollar is an important cover for the inflation. Price inflation is in our economy now, but it is not as strong as sound economics would tell us.
Gold poised. Experts predict $1000 plus
Many analysts and bankers now expect gold to break through $1,000 in the near term and probably go higher on financial instability and potential US dollar weakness.
Author: Pratima DesaiPosted: Monday , 09 Feb 2009
LONDON (Reuters) -
Gold prices are set to jump towards $1,000 an ounce and probably beyond to new records as droves of investors fearing financial instability and surging inflation pile into the precious metal. Read the article HERE.
Comment: With all the world wide unbacked currencies being poured into the financial markets, this will be a normal response - Price Inflation. Thus, the precious metals will appreciate in relation to the increase in supply of such FIAT currencies. That is the catalyst that is driving wish investors to the precious metals.
More from Mine Web on DRD Gold:
DRD going for more gold dumps
DRD CEO Niel Pretorius talks about the company's plans to acquire more surface production opportunities.
Author: Tessa KrugerPosted: Friday , 06 Feb 2009
DRDGold will see 68% of its gold production coming from surface operations in the 2010 financial year as the Ergo project comes online in April to produce its first gold after June this year.
Chief executive officer Niel Pretorius said today the company was looking to grow its surface operations in future and would consider joint ventures with companies that had the same type of assets but sought somebody with cash in the bank. The article is available HERE.
Comment: DRD Gold is heavily into surface mining operation and interested in expanding in this area. It is generally more cost effective.
Best to each, Doug
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