The Christian World Life View is Essential to All
I am daily becoming more concerned about the fact that so few professing Christians lack the Biblical knowledge and courage to stand firmly upon the word of God. Very often, we fail to stand firm for the Lord Jesus Christ. Among many who speak out strongly for Him is Chuck Baldwin. Here is his latest message.
Few Christians Have Biblical Worldview
By Chuck Baldwin
This is a profound article and should be read by all. You can view it HERE.
I urge you to read and heed it. We must be, not simply hearers of the word, but doers. Else, we should wonder if we are truly of the Family of God.

From Casey's Daily Resource Plus: "Silver's chart was similar. The precise bottom for the silver price was the London silver fix which occurred at noon London time...7:00 a.m. in New York. You could have set your watch by this one. Silver rose strongly from there until shortly before London closed for the day...and, like gold, it was lights out after that. Even Richard Russell was in full cry about it...yelling 'central bank interference'. [Note to Richard: It's JPMorgan Chase and HSBC USA...both are bullion banks. - Ed]"
The graphs don't lie, the bankers do. It is so obvious that we have no free market, rather its is manipulated markets. Thus, the investors are always behind the eight ball, because the markets do not act normally. This is a challenging time and one must follow the market and be aware of the major trends thereof. Regardless of the manipulation, the market will balance the books. God is in control and His will intervene in His good time which does not always to be our time. We are impatient. Realize that His timing is always best and for the eventual good of His people.
From Bloomberg:
China, Argentina Reach Agreement on Currency Swap
By Bill Faries and Joshua Goodman
March 30 (Bloomberg) -- The central banks of China and Argentina reached an agreement for a three-year, 70 billion yuan ($10 billion) currency swap, Chinese Central Bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan told reporters in Medellin, Colombia, today.
It’s the first such accord between the world’s third- biggest economy and a Latin American nation. The move follows swap accords between China and Indonesia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Belarus. Read it HERE.
While many feel that the dollar will always remain the international reserve currency, there is a growing consensus among the nations that this should not be. This movement is gathering steam which is surprising many. This article is just one among many which exhibit the fact that the world is dissatisfied with the way we have debased the dollar. We are taking many steps to decrease the value of the dollar. Our command is, "Forget the dollar, let's go all out to restore prosperity." I do not believe it will work.
From The Washington Post:
Welcome to America, the World's Scariest Emerging Market
Back in the spring of 1998, when Boris Yeltsin was still at Russia's helm, I led a group of global investors to Moscow to find out firsthand where the Russian economy was headed. My long career with the International Monetary Fund and on Wall Street had taken me to "emerging markets" throughout Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America, and I thought I'd seen it all. Yet I still recall the shock I felt at a meeting in Russia's dingy Ministry of Finance, where I finally realized how a handful of young oligarchs were bringing Russia's economy to ruin in the pursuit of their own selfish interests, despite the supposed brilliance of Anatoly Chubais, Russia's economic czar at the time. Read the article HERE.
Lachman goes on to compare the action of the U.S. now to that of the USSR. You do remember the USSR, don't you. It collapsed in financial ruin a few decades ago. Will that happen here? It could, but perhaps, the Lord will spare us if we repent and change our ways back in accordance with His law. However, I seriously doubt that our fearless leaders will ever call for national repentance and restore the blessing showered upon us by the Sovereign God in and since our founding. We are likely to face much rougher times as the Lord continues to discipline us.
From The Telegraph UK:
Russia backs return to Gold Standard to solve financial crisis
Russia has become the first major country to call for a partial restoration of the Gold Standard to uphold discipline in the world financial system.
Last Updated: 10:33AM BST 31 Mar 2009 Read the article and view the video HERE.
I have long said that the first nation that returns to a gold standard will have the most valuable currency in the world. Either Russia or China could do this. Perhaps, both will join together to bring this about. Think of what that would do to the dollar.
From Ted Butler's Weekly Commentary:
March 30, 2009
The Sting
(This essay was written by silver analyst Theodore Butler, an independent consultant. Investment Rarities does not necessarily endorse these views, which may or may not prove to be correct.)
Stunning new evidence of manipulation in silver and gold has just been published by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), a bureau of the U.S. Treasury Department. The OCC, first established in 1863, charters, regulates and supervises all national banks. Their new data proves the manipulation in unambiguous terms. The report also confirms how the U.S. Government, in partnership with JPMorgan Chase, intentionally cheated silver investors worldwide of many billions of dollars during the fourth quarter of 2008, and longer. This was all outside the futures market I normally write about. It was a scam of historic proportions. Read it HERE.
From MineWeb:
Top gold ETF remains at record levels
Holdings by the world's top gold ETF, the SPDR Gold Trust, remain at record levels as economy continues to falter.
Author: Lawrence WilliamsPosted: Tuesday , 31 Mar 2009
While the gold price itself has seemed to be range bound and stuttering in the $910-$950 area over the past few weeks, ETF holdings still remain at record levels, although growth has not been as strong as earlier this year and late last. This does demonstrate however that investor interest in gold as a protection against falling asset prices elsewhere remains very positive. As long as the ETF holdings remain strong, the downside risk in gold probably remains limited. Read it HERE.
I could be wrong, but I prefer the CEF which holds both gold and silver. Of course, it is likely better to hold the metal firmly in our hands. The ETFs do provide us an alternative without the security problem and with greater ease of trading if we desire to do it.
On the cause of environmental changes from MineWeb:
Humans causing climate change - fact or fiction?
Emissions trading schemes and carbon trading are putting a heavy burden on energy costs as governments try to force reductions in carbon emissions - but are they justified? There are doubters out there.
Author: Lawrence WilliamsPosted: Monday , 30 Mar 2009
While it seems that the "politics" of climate change may be settled, there is still much scientific debate over whether climate change is in fact caused by human activities, with the weight of scientific evidence tending to "unfrock" the climate "alarmists". Read it HERE.
Personally, I believe the politics of this trend are more for control of citizens than improving the environment. It is similar to our political water shortages while we sit on one of the largest aquifers in the world. No one knows the amount of water below us, but every time there is a lack of rain, the politicians start beating the drums about saving water. It has been estimated by many that were it not to rain for 50 years, we would still have an abundance of water. The politicians do not agree. Why? I believe they enjoy the power over the people.
The market remains interesting, challenging, and involves risk. If/when you buy, buy incrementally in smaller quantities. Be quick to sell general stocks on any upward move during this bear market and carefully, cautiously on any purchases. My trading stocks are giving a good performance for the time being. When the gold rush gathers steam, they should do very well.Best to each, Doug
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