Challenges Ahead - We Need National Repentance
Our challenges go well beyond financial. Since we have gone against the God who had blessed our nation for many decades, we are under His judgment. He disciplines those He loves to bring them to repentance and get them to return to Him.
We must urgently prepare our children to know the truth which is only found in Scripture under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If we do not bring our children up in the nurture and admonition the Lord, they will be lost to the state.
We either follow God's Law or we have chaos. There is no other choice. I pray that we, as a nation, will repent and return to the God who guided our founders before it is too late. God will always preserve a remnant. Be sure that you are within His remnant.

During his presidential campaign, President Barack Obama promised the American people a "net spending cut."1 Instead, he signed a "stimulus" bill that spends $800 billion, and he has proposed a budget that would:
- Increase spending by $1 trillion over the next decade;
- Include an additional $250 billion placeholder for another financial bailout;
- Likely lead to a 12 percent increase in discretionary spending; Read the rest of the list HERE.
From The Hindu Business Line:
Gold to consolidate, test resistance

Gold futures, ended lower, on profit-taking after its rally to a three-week high earlier. Gold has risen sharply since the Federal Reserve announced that it would buy $300 billion in longer-dated Treasuries on Wednesday, as fears over dollar weakness and rising inflation boosted prices. Demand from ETFs is helping to compensate for the excess supply in the market left over from a drop-off in jewellery buying.
Physical buying for jewellery in key markets such as India and West Asia has been the hardest hit due to the sharp price rise.
Comex April gold futures rose higher in line with our expectations. Though the $889 support we had cautioned was tested, prices did not close below that level. Rallies to $965 could resist upside attempts in the coming week. Read it HERE.
From Bloomberg:
Gold, Silver Fall as Equity Rally Curbs Demand for Alternatives
By Pham-Duy Nguyen
March 23 (Bloomberg) -- Gold fell for a second straight session as equities rallied in Asia and Europe, eroding the appeal of the precious metal as an alternative asset. Silver also declined.
The MSCI World Index rose for a ninth session in the past 10 and stock-index futures surged in New York as investors speculated that the Obama administration’s plan to rid banks of toxic assets will spur growth. Before today, gold rose 8.1 percent this year while the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fell 15 percent.
“The gold market is moving simply as a measure of fear,” said Leonard Kaplan, president of Prospector Asset Management in Evanston, Illinois. “As the stock market moves higher, some of the fear factor comes out of gold.” Read it HERE.
Both precious metals rallied a good deal last week and corrections are to be expected. However, the bull trend is still in control.
From Reuters:
The Nano, world's cheapest car, to hit Indian roads Mon Mar 23, 2009

MUMBAI (Reuters) - The Nano, the world's cheapest car, will hit Indian roads in July, four months after its formal launch on Monday, and demand is expected to far outstrip supply as the price tag of around $2,000 draws legions of new buyers.
Hundreds of thousands are set to queue up to book, including motorbike owners and people who have been using public transport. Read it HERE.
WOW! $2,000! It would be OK until you got it on one of our interstate highways. I would not want to be in the smallest vehicle there.
Let us join together in repentant prayer before our Sovereign God, humble ourselves before Him, seek His forgiveness, and turn back to Him in obedience.
Best to each, Doug
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