Thoughts on Markets

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Gold is Recovering - Recognize the Providence of God

By the providence of God this financial crisis has been brought to us. It is our duty to recognize that the Sovereign God of all is using this to teach us lessons. We must beseech Him to reveal to us the lessons that we are to learn.

We know that ALL THINGS work together for the eventual good of His people. Though as we experience what we see as challenges, it is often difficult. It is at these particular times, that we have His glorious promises firmly fixed in our minds for encouragement. For example, He always provides a way of escape or endurance so that we are never tested beyond that which we are able. Also, we are assured that our trials are common to man. Others have stood the test and survived.

We must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We are to work for the glory of God and the furtherance of His kingdom. We are to seek first, last, and always the Kingdom of God with the assurance that He will provide all our needs.

Notice today's green trace on the graph seems to have moved beyond the normal hammer zone. Will it be allowed to move freely today? We will have to wait and see.
The trace for silver seems to show a slight swing of the hammer, but it is not nearly as strong as that on March 3. Possibly, the hammer will swing very strongly tomorrow.
GLD, the proxy for gold is showing some signs of moving upward. Gold is now 910.90 and silver 12.97 with both on up ticks. Our trading miners are showing a good bit of life today. DROOY is 8.43, HMY 10.87, and VGZ 1.93. The DJI are off 114.70 to 6761.
From Mail On Line:

'You're all dead men walking': The sinister threat sent with a BULLET to French politicians including Sarkozy

By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 10:39 AM on 04th March 2009

Death threats and bullets have been sent to a number of French politicians, including President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Justice Minister Rachida Dati and Interior Minister Michele Alliot-Marie have also received the brown envelopes containing a 9mm cartridge and an identical letter in the past two weeks, a source said.

The note included threats such as 'you are all dead men walking' and 'your lives and your families' lives are in our hands'. Read it HERE.

Folks, this is a preview of what is to come as the world financial crisis continues. In many countries of the world, we can expect a time of anarchy. God hates anarchy, because He is a God of order and decency. However, at times in His providence He allows men to have their own way. Often, I believe He does this to let us see what happens when we turn our backs on Him.

Here is another report on frustration from

Protest outside Hoboken City Hall reveals anger, frustration

by Carly
Wednesday March 04, 2009, 8:11 PM

Were Hoboken City Council people scared to walk into City Hall tonight?

They would have had to walk past the 100+ irate and frustrated residents who rallied outside the building as part of a protest organized by Hoboken Revolt and LowerHobokenTaxes. You can watch some of the rally above, as resident Richard Pasquarelli and others lead the charge against City Hall.

Protestors held signs demanding lower Hoboken taxes, shouted for a recall of elected officials and someone even held a tarred-and-feathered effigy of Mayor Dave Roberts. (No, they didn't set it on fire.) Read it HERE.

This one is closer to home. A sign of the times. Perhaps, people are beginning to understand that our out of control governments have caused the problems. However, many folks still look to the governments to solve the problems they created by the same means of creation. It is doubtful that the bail outs will bring the desired results.

Let us not participate in such anarchy, but be prepared to protect our families in case of the spread of such activities. Our national morality is not what it was during the great depression. At that time, most folks sought work for food. Today, we have generations of welfare recipients who have become wards of the state and fully believe the world owes them a living. Thus, there is likely to be more troubles as the welfare state is less able to support all.

Best, Doug


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