Possible Buying Opportunity!
Let's pray for the wisdom, courage, and strength to continue to worship, praise and serve our risen Lord. He is coming again in judgment and the resurrection of the the dead. Be ready at all times. Praise the Lord.
Well the boyz are at it again. Examine the pattern on both gold and silver, below. That certainly is familiar. However, it is again offering buying opportunities. I have bought VGZ today at 1.93 and have a bid in for more at 1.91. You might want to check the mining stocks out and make your own decision.

From Bloomberg:

March 2 (Bloomberg) -- In the government’s rush to stabilize the financial system, get the U.S. economy moving again, craft bailouts for institutions and entire sectors of the economy, and re-craft bailouts that aren’t doing the trick, the voices of limited government have been all but silenced.
In Washington, the GOP has been shamed into submission. It’s not that Republicans don’t see a role for the government in the economy, says Karl Rove, former adviser to President George W. Bush, in his weekly op-ed column in the Wall Street Journal. It’s just that they don’t see the same role as the one envisioned by President Barack Obama.Read the article HERE.
Talk about hitting the nail on the head. She does a good job of picking apart the bail out package for what it really is. It misses the mark completely. Of course, we never had much hope for it anyway. Packages such as this simply prolong the agony while the free market could solve the problem in relatively short order. However, man always believes that central planning is better than the invisible hand of the markets. So, they are wrong.
It is an amazing video. Turn up your sound and enjoy. Praise the Lord for saving the folks. We have met the enemy and he is us.
Best to each, Doug
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