Americans Say No to the Bail Out - Congress Goes Ahead
While the bible and free market principles give ownership of property to individuals and businesses, the Federal Government and the Federal Reserve are grasping ever increasing ownership or greater influence over most financial institutions and many businesses. Remember that the major difference between a socialistic and communistic society is an escalation in government ownership of property. Could it be that we are headed for a succession of 5-year plans similar to those that failed in the USSR?
The bible gives ownership of property to families and not governments. Remember that as Israel divided the promised land, the families were given ownership. Further, King Ahab and Queen Jezebel died under the curse of God when the stole the vineyard from Naboth. They also plotted to have Naboth murdered. God takes very seriously the family ownership of property.
Let us pray to the Sovereign God that He will take away the sin of America and return Godly government to accomplish the simple task of protection of the life, liberty, and property of all Americans. Any other tasks taken on by a government are violations of God's Law and our Constitution.

The DJI are not faring as well. The index is down 326.+ to 7944.87. I do not think we have seen the end of general market sell off. There are some brighter signs; however, the question really is "Can each upward move in the DJI be a return of the bull or just a bear market rally?" No one really knows the answer at this point. Therefore, extreme caution in any buying is warranted.
From MarketWatch:
Something new stirring in precious-metals pond
Commentary: Silver's rise has letters watching for more bull-market signs
From the Times UK.
Europe ambushes Germany on debt bail-out
The European Union has called an emergency summit of national leaders this month to halt the drift towards protectionism and stem the risks of a debt crisis as the slump deepens.
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
EU finance ministers are to discuss proposals over breakfast in Brussels today for some form of "debt-agency" or mechanism for the EU to raise bonds, a move seen by diplomats as a ploy to ambush Germany into accepting shared responsibility for EU debts – anathema to Berlin.Read the article HERE.More from Times:
Bond market calls Fed's bluff as global economy falls apart
Global bond markets are calling the bluff of the US Federal Reserve.
The yield on 10-year US Treasury bonds – the world's benchmark cost of capital – has jumped from 2pc to 3pc since Christmas despite efforts to talk the rate down.
This level will asphyxiate the US economy if allowed to persist, as Fed chair Ben Bernanke must know. The US is already in deflation. Core prices – stripping out energy – fell at an annual rate of 2pc in the fourth quarter. Wages are following. IBM, Chrysler, General Motors, and YRC, have all begun to cut pay.Read about it HERE.
States move to regain sovereignty from World News Daily:
Lawmakers in 20 states move to reclaim sovereignty
Obama's $1 trillion deficit-spending 'stimulus plan' seen as last straw
Posted: February 06, 2009
11:50 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Oklahoma Republican state Sen. Randy Brogdon |
So far, eight states have introduced resolutions declaring state sovereignty under the Ninth and Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, including Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Washington.Read the exciting news HERE.
Comment: This is very exciting news. Perhaps, we are returning to These rather than The United States of America. That is the way our founders saw it. The states were inter positioned between the Federal Government and the citizens of the various states. I hope that Texas joined the move very soon. As for as I know, the Sovereign Society first publicized this news a couple of days ago, but it has not made the major media yet.
Send Ted Butler's latest to Congress and CFTC
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2009-02-09 21:13.4:10p ET Monday February 9, 2009
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Market analyst Ted Butler has examined the latest reports from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission and has determined that the concentration of the short position in gold on the New York Commodity Exchange has reached another record high and that the concentration of the short position in silver is not far behind. This, Butler notes, is proof of market manipulation, and it almost certainly would be acted upon by the CFTC in any markets other than gold and silver, where central banks and their investment house agents have an interest in exercising surreptitious currency intervention. Read the whole article HERE.
Comment: There is too much evidence of intervention into the precious metals markets. It cannot be denied, but the SEC is not interested in pursuing this. Do you wonder why?
The Lord has given us another beautiful day. We must daily pray for rain, as we thank Him and enjoy the blessings of beautiful weather.
Best to each of you and yours, Doug
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