Folly of Man Causes Precious Metals to Climb
In spite of the objection by the citizens and many who are actually in the know, Obama and Washington are about to do something, any thing, just something whither right or wrong. They are proposing the same poison which got us into the financial mess.
God's Word provides the way for governments, churches, and families to act for success. Man DOES NOT KNOW WHAT IS BEST. Our Creator does and we must follow His way. Even our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are much better laws which each elected official has sworn to uphold. Of course, each has given lip service to his oath. Actions speak so loudly, we cannot hear the words.
I would suggest that each of you study your Bible and then the Constitution of These United States of America. Then examine the actions of our government in light of these higher laws.

From Mine Web:
Gold: nothing succeeds like success
Listed gold (and silver) stocks continue to deliver price increases at an astounding pace, underpinned by continually robust gold bullion prices.
Author: Barry SergeantPosted: Thursday , 12 Feb 2009
Listed gold stocks continue to lead the attempted recovery in global stock markets, supported on Wednesday by a dollar gold bullion price that moved to seven-month highs, above USD 945 an ounce. Measured on an absolute basis, the market value of gold stocks listed around the world moved to well above USD 200bn, the highest level seen since October 2008, a month after erstwhile Wall Street investment bank Lehman Bros. filed for bankruptcy, triggering yet another stage of the most intense crisis in world credit and equity markets seen in decades. Read the article HERE.
More from Mine Web:
Surge in growth in gold ETF holdings has potential downside too
The phenomenal recent growth in gold ETF holdings is one of the factors behind the strength in the gold price, but it poses serious downside risks as well if sentiment changes. Meanwhile price movements are likely to remain volatile.
Author: Jeffrey NicholsPosted: Thursday , 12 Feb 2009
Bullion held in depositories on behalf of gold exchange-traded funds investors is at record levels . . . and, in recent days, has been growing by leaps and bounds. Worldwide total gold ETF holdings now exceed 1325 tons (42.6 million ounces).
To put this number in perspective, ETFs now hold more gold than the Swiss central bank. Strikingly, gold held by ETFs now account for more than 40 percent of identifiable gold investment worldwide. Read the article HERE.
More from Mine Web:
Gold resumes upward path as US bank rescue plan disappoints
Holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust ETF rose 12.85 tonnes in a single day as investors expressed their disappointment in the latest US bank rescue plan with a flight to gold as a safe haven.
Author: Jan HarveyPosted: Wednesday , 11 Feb 2009
LONDON (Reuters) -
Gold rose in Europe on Wednesday, reversing earlier losses, as disappointment with the U.S. bank rescue plan prompted investors to seek out assets such as bullion-backed exchange-traded funds as a haven from risk.
The United States on Tuesday rolled out a revamped bank rescue plan that may cost more than $2 trillion. Stocks slid by the most in two months after the plan was unveiled, while oil and currency markets reacted with scepticism and gold climbed more than 2 percent as investors sought safety. Read it HERE.
From World Net Daily:
Senate support builds for 'Fairness Doctrine'
Harkin 'to squelch' 1st Amendment in favor of 'Chinese-style censorship'
Posted: February 11, 2009
11:30 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Sen. Tom Harkin with Senate President Harry Reid |
Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, has become the second U.S. senator in a week to endorse a return to the ideas behind the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," a plan that was abandoned under President Reagan in 1987 as unnecessary and unconstitutional.Read it HERE.
Folks, this legislation has nothing to do with fairness, it is designed to put a muzzle on conservative television and radio, mainly, the talk shows. It is unconstitutional! It is very dangerous legislation. Most of the major media has been captured by the socialist and this is another grab.
From Brass Check TV:
See the video HERE.
With this kind of double speak revealing great ignorance, it is no wonder that we are in the financial crisis of today. Even the "experts" are at a loss of wisdom, but expert in double speak. I often wonder if they are really as ignorant as it appears and this just a way of hiding the truth.
From Chuck Butler of The Daily Pfennig: "Yesterday's potential market moving data didn't materialize, as the Trade Deficit did not narrow as much as forecast, and last month's number was revised upward. For the record and for those of you keeping score at home, the Trade Deficit for December printed at $39.9 Billion, and November's Deficit was revised from $40.4 Billion to $41.6 Billion. Exports have fallen off the cliff as 1. Global demand is waning, and 2. the dollar is overvalued and too strong to allow U.S. exports to be competitive."
From The Telegraph UK:
European banks' toxic debts risk overwhelming EU governments
The toxic debts of European banks risk overwhelming a number of EU governments and may pose a “systemic” danger to the broader EU banking system, according a confidential memo prepared by the European Commission.
“Estimates of total expected asset write-downs suggest that the budgetary costs of asset relief could be very large both in absolute terms and relative to GDP in member states,” said the document, prepared for a closed-door meeting of EU finance ministers.Read it HERE.
From Reuters UK:
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