Good Governments are Small and Dedicated to Protecting the Life, Liberty, and Property of Citizens.
"Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power but of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God, and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of the same; for he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth the sword in vain; for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." (Romans 13:1-4)
No government exists, but that ordained by God, Himself. It was ordained by Him to punish evil upon the citizens of the nation. If government is to punish evil, that gives it the specific mission of protecting the life, liberty, and property of citizens for all types of evil: domestic and foreign. This is in concert with the responsibility spelled out in our constitution: "provide for the general welfare." A government which limits itself to these functions is small and has limited powers over the citizens. The citizens live in peace and have a great deal of liberty to act as they see fit under God. Their freedom is limited only to the extent that they do not commit evil to another citizen.
When a government misinterprets it responsibility and begins to regulate and intervene into the market place and to protect the citizens from themselves, it has overstepped its God-given responsibilities and vastly reduced the freedom of the citizens. Another impact is that it becomes much larger and more expensive as it builds ever more officials to regulate and watch the citizens.
Our government is moving more and more toward benevolence to the world while neglecting the concerns of the American citizens. At these times a government loses sight of which citizens it is to protect. It very often begins to feel that it is the protector of the world to the neglect of it own citizens.
Recent trends in the legislation regarding illegal aliens and now approval by the Congress for selling 400+ tons of gold by the IMF to aid third world countries are testimony to the global trend of our government. We simply cannot afford to pay for every desire of every person in the world. This is not our responsibility as a nation. Perhaps, as individuals and churches, we can provide and often do voluntarily help out others. However, this is voluntary and not forced by the coercive power of government.
It seems that our leadership is attempting to build another Tower of Babel. The Lord God did not tolerate the first one and will not tolerate this one. A one world government is bound to fail, because it is always an attempt to make the government a missiah to the world. It is not and can never be regardless of how well intentioned. That is, given that it is well intentioned and not just another power grab.
Now for more news on our precious metals. Both gold and silver have been slammed downward again to new lows not seen for months. Gold is currently 919.90 and silver 13.79 with both on down ticks.
GLD, our proxy for gold has dropped below its 50 day moving average which means it is likely to go even lower. However, it did gap down today and the normal movement is to fill in the gap, so we could see some upward movement before too long.
Even our miners have dropped below the 50 day moving average which is not good news unless you are in a position and of the mind to purchase or add to your portfolio of miners. The prices of some follow >> DROOY 7.89; HL 2.40; HMY 10.23; SLW 8.16, AND VGZ 1.59. These are great prices and I will likely be adding some more to my portfolio, but I will be buying in smaller quantities and very cautiously. I believe we will see some more downward movement. The boyz have very deep pockets and can move the prices almost as low as they want to cover their short contracts. Thus, we have no free markets only manipulation. The DOW is being pounded to the tune of off about 178. So much for the bear rally.
Here is the nasty silver graph. Doesn't it make you ill to see how these markets are manipulated and played by the bullion banks backed by the Federal Reserve and the Federal Government. This is not normal market activity.
Folks, it is looking more and more as if we are moving into an inflationary period. We should hope that it is not hyper-inflation as that is devastating to all concerned. Eventually, the paper currencies flooding the earth must result in inflation.
Our national public and private debt is totally out of control. There is no way that it can ever be paid without the proliferation of unbacked paper beyond our imagination. The only other alternative is for the U. S. to renege on the debt and unilaterally cancel what we owe. That is in direct violation of God's Law warning "That the wicked borroweth and payeth not again." I believe that we will run the printing presses forward until they over heat and explode. Perhaps, that is the goal: a total collapse of the FIAT dollar.
By the way, there is optimism on the part of the government in the weeks auction of a large amount in Treasuries. It is very likely that the Fed. Reserve will have to be there with many computer clicks to buy those Treasuries not purchased in the broad auction. Our foreign lenders have expressed and will not be offering to lend as much as in the past. WE may be approaching the time when they will shun the auctions, all together.
While things on the financial front, do not seem to be to our liking, we must rest firmly in the peace and security of our loving Heavenly Father who is in control and moving all things toward the eventual good of His people.
Best to each, Doug
No government exists, but that ordained by God, Himself. It was ordained by Him to punish evil upon the citizens of the nation. If government is to punish evil, that gives it the specific mission of protecting the life, liberty, and property of citizens for all types of evil: domestic and foreign. This is in concert with the responsibility spelled out in our constitution: "provide for the general welfare." A government which limits itself to these functions is small and has limited powers over the citizens. The citizens live in peace and have a great deal of liberty to act as they see fit under God. Their freedom is limited only to the extent that they do not commit evil to another citizen.
When a government misinterprets it responsibility and begins to regulate and intervene into the market place and to protect the citizens from themselves, it has overstepped its God-given responsibilities and vastly reduced the freedom of the citizens. Another impact is that it becomes much larger and more expensive as it builds ever more officials to regulate and watch the citizens.
Our government is moving more and more toward benevolence to the world while neglecting the concerns of the American citizens. At these times a government loses sight of which citizens it is to protect. It very often begins to feel that it is the protector of the world to the neglect of it own citizens.
Recent trends in the legislation regarding illegal aliens and now approval by the Congress for selling 400+ tons of gold by the IMF to aid third world countries are testimony to the global trend of our government. We simply cannot afford to pay for every desire of every person in the world. This is not our responsibility as a nation. Perhaps, as individuals and churches, we can provide and often do voluntarily help out others. However, this is voluntary and not forced by the coercive power of government.
It seems that our leadership is attempting to build another Tower of Babel. The Lord God did not tolerate the first one and will not tolerate this one. A one world government is bound to fail, because it is always an attempt to make the government a missiah to the world. It is not and can never be regardless of how well intentioned. That is, given that it is well intentioned and not just another power grab.
Now for more news on our precious metals. Both gold and silver have been slammed downward again to new lows not seen for months. Gold is currently 919.90 and silver 13.79 with both on down ticks.
GLD, our proxy for gold has dropped below its 50 day moving average which means it is likely to go even lower. However, it did gap down today and the normal movement is to fill in the gap, so we could see some upward movement before too long.
Even our miners have dropped below the 50 day moving average which is not good news unless you are in a position and of the mind to purchase or add to your portfolio of miners. The prices of some follow >> DROOY 7.89; HL 2.40; HMY 10.23; SLW 8.16, AND VGZ 1.59. These are great prices and I will likely be adding some more to my portfolio, but I will be buying in smaller quantities and very cautiously. I believe we will see some more downward movement. The boyz have very deep pockets and can move the prices almost as low as they want to cover their short contracts. Thus, we have no free markets only manipulation. The DOW is being pounded to the tune of off about 178. So much for the bear rally.
Here is the nasty silver graph. Doesn't it make you ill to see how these markets are manipulated and played by the bullion banks backed by the Federal Reserve and the Federal Government. This is not normal market activity.
Folks, it is looking more and more as if we are moving into an inflationary period. We should hope that it is not hyper-inflation as that is devastating to all concerned. Eventually, the paper currencies flooding the earth must result in inflation.
Our national public and private debt is totally out of control. There is no way that it can ever be paid without the proliferation of unbacked paper beyond our imagination. The only other alternative is for the U. S. to renege on the debt and unilaterally cancel what we owe. That is in direct violation of God's Law warning "That the wicked borroweth and payeth not again." I believe that we will run the printing presses forward until they over heat and explode. Perhaps, that is the goal: a total collapse of the FIAT dollar.
By the way, there is optimism on the part of the government in the weeks auction of a large amount in Treasuries. It is very likely that the Fed. Reserve will have to be there with many computer clicks to buy those Treasuries not purchased in the broad auction. Our foreign lenders have expressed and will not be offering to lend as much as in the past. WE may be approaching the time when they will shun the auctions, all together.
While things on the financial front, do not seem to be to our liking, we must rest firmly in the peace and security of our loving Heavenly Father who is in control and moving all things toward the eventual good of His people.
Best to each, Doug
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