Thoughts on Markets

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dollar - Gold - Silver - Mining Companies

US Dollar making a strong showing, but I think it is not for long. Technically very strong and this is having a negative impact upon the precious metals. Remember that our governments at all levels are not looking for ways to lower spending, but continually seeking new funds (from loans or taxes). We need statesmen who do not buy votes with largess from the productive to the non-productive and are willing to bit the bullet of reducing spending at all levels even as we must learn to do. Get out of debt is the watch word of the wise.
I am not very effective with the bow and arrow, but I have tried to show the various interventions during the last two days. It has been significant. Also, it has been significant in the US Dollar, as well. Folks, there is no free market; only intervention. By the way, it seems that Russia will not be selling the gold as it was announced. This could be only a postponement, but we will have to wait and see. Richard Russell pointed out the intervention in the stock market near closing of the DOW yesterday which took the DOW from about +2 to +14 in the last few minutes. There is intervention and manipulation in every one of our markets today.
The similarity of action in silver is even more evident as it happens at virtually the same instant every day.


Obama's Nobel Peace Prize
By Walter E. Williams

According to Alfred Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded to the person who: "during the preceding year, shall have done … the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." According to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, appointed by the Norwegian Parliament, 2009 saw a record 205 nominations who competed against President Barack Obama for this year's Nobel Laureate. We don't know the names of other nominees who were passed over because Nobel Foundation statutes do not permit information about nominations, considerations or investigations relating to awarding the prize to be made public for at least 50 years after a prize has been awarded. Nominations from 1901 to 1955, however, have been released. Past nominees included Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini. Since it takes only one qualified person to nominate someone, these nominations do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Nobel committee members. Read it HERE.

Of course, this is simply a means whereby the liberals award their kind without to the integrity of the award itself. It has become worthless. It has only the goal of patting the ego of the current socialist or communist.



Silver containing wound dressing launched into $15 billion global market

In yet another medical application for silver, Advanced Medical Solutions has launched a silver-containing wound dressing for the global woundcare market.

Author: Lawrence Williams
Posted: Tuesday , 27 Oct 2009


British specialist technology company, Advanced Medical Solutions (AMS), which supplies the $15 billion global woundcare market with advanced woundcare dressings and tissue adhesives for wound closure has announced a new silver-containing dressing. This has already been launched in the U.S. and is being introduced into the European and other international markets this month.

Systagenix Wound Management, the marketing and distribution partner for AMS's fibre-based silver alginate technology, has expanded its existing anti-microbial wound dressings offering with the introduction of AMS's SILVERCEL Non-Adherent Hydro-Alginate Dressing.

The company notes that silver is widely recognised as a safe and effective broad-spectrum anti-microbial agent for infection control. Read it HERE.

Colloidal silver has long been used by "health nuts" to stem infections. This has very often been a successful treatment. Now a company has gone forward with research to develop, perhaps, a better way of treatment.



Venezuelan government confiscates Gold Reserve's Brisas property

Shares drop 15% on the news

Posted: Tuesday , 27 Oct 2009

TORONTO (Reuters) -

Gold Reserve (GRZ.TO) said on Tuesday the Venezuelan government had seized control of its Brisas gold property, deepening a dispute between the miner and Hugo Chavez's government, and pulling the company's shares down 15%.

The Toronto-listed company's rights to much of the deposit were taken away by the government earlier this year, and Gold Reserve filed for international arbitration last week, seeking to recoup billions of dollars in damages.

It said government personnel arrived at Brisas on Monday to deliver notification of the government's takeover of the property and to take physical possession of it. Read it HERE.

Intervention and nationalization is not exclusive to our Federal Government. It seems to be moving internationally. Apparently, people ignore past failures of such. They always think that they can do a better job this time around. Each time in the past, it has met with failure. Here we go again!


China's appetite for African minerals unabated - Report

According to the superpower direct investment into Africa by China rose 78%

Posted: Wednesday , 28 Oct 2009

BEIJING (Reuters) -

The global financial crisis has failed to dampen Chinese investment in Africa, a leading state-run newspaper said on Wednesday.

Premier Wen Jiabao heads to Egypt next month for the second China-Africa summit, as China's appetite for raw materials drives African growth.

China portrays itself as a steadfast friend of Africa and has pumped billions of dollars into the continent, especially over the last few years, often by what it calls "no-strings" loans or aid.

In the first half of this year China's direct investment in Africa, excluding in the financial sector, shot up 78.6 percent year-on-year to $875 million, the People's Daily said, citing an unnamed Commerce Ministry official. Read it HERE.

China continues to buy the world. Ever think of a Chinese Empire to replace ours? There will be consequences.

From See the speech by Lord Monckton on Obama about to sign away American sovereignty. (I may have sent this out before, but it is important.) See it HERE.


Will Option ARM Loans Still Implode?

October 26th, 2009

For the last year and one-half, there have been projections regarding the coming implosion of Option ARM loans. So far, it has yet to materialize on the scale that was projected. What happened to the implosion? When can it be expected? In order to answer these questions, an understanding of the mechanics of the Option ARM must first be acquired.
This is an interesting article explaining ARMs and warning of the danger facing many folks. Read it HERE.


Zero Discount Value of Gold in the Total Banking System

The U.S. banking system has many banks with large amounts of bad loans on their books. How do these bad loans affect the value of the dollar and gold? Specifically, how do they affect the Zero Discount Value (ZDV) of gold?

This interesting and in depth article on the subject is worth a good read HERE.

Here are the miners from Scottrade's streaming quotes:

Here are the currencies from

BULM is 0.77; BYDDF 10.16; AMNP 0.87; CYRS 0.34; DOW -51 @9830. Gold is 1033.20 and silver 16.33. The Silver Eagles are looking more attractive each day.

The Daily Fennig reported that consumer confidence came in at 47.7 against an anticipated 53.5; another bailout being discussed for GMAC Financial; 10 Year Bonds yield moved down which punished those seeking the safety by lowering the value of bonds; and predicted that Norway would give a rate hike today.

Folks, it is important for us to stay focused upon the long term trend of the dollar against that of the precious metals. Remember, the dollar is going down and metals are going up. I hope to do some investigation on copper today. My cup has been too full.

The Lord is in absolute sovereign power over every thing for every time. He changes not as scripture reports, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." That gives great comfort to His people since they can rest with certainty in every word His has written through men. Unlike man's law, God's law is not forever changing. It changeth not! Praise the Lord daily for Him and His providence toward His people.

Best to each, Doug


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