Pilgrim History Corrected - BYD Company
Currencies from Kitco.com:
Miners from Scottrade.com:
Miners from Scottrade.com:
Gold is off just just before NY opening. However, the trading range of both gold and silver is higher than recent times. I still believe the boyz are acting in both metals. Remember November 23, Monday, is a critical day for the metals. Read the quote from Ed Steer, below.
Our friend BYD Company looks to be recovering from an oversold condition. We need for it to cross above the 50 Day Moving Average for it to really sprint forward. This could be a time to begin buying in small chucks again. I bought yesterday as broadcast. May buy a bit more today.
Gold is 1141 and silver 18.33. BYDDF is 8.45; BULM is 0.74; DOW is down 32 to 10298.
From MineWeb.com:
Central banks net gold buyers for the second quarter in succession - WGC
Negative numbers abounded with respect to gold demand in the third quarter of this year, and the fourth quarter outlook is "mixed". It is arguable that the demand in the market is now past the worst. India has regained its position as the largest jewellery consumerAuthor: Rhona O'ConnellPosted: Friday , 20 Nov 2009
The latest "Gold Demand Trends" publication from the World Gold Council (WGC), using figures compiled by independent research experts GFMS Ltd., shows that whichever way you cut it, gold demand in the third quarter of this year was down against Q3 2008. As the WGC points out, however, the third quarter of 2008 was "exceptionally strong". In fact, at more than 1,200 tonnes, total fabrication, bar & coin and "other" retail investment, plus ETFs etc, exceeded 1,200 tonnes in the third quarter of 2008, the highest quarter since the start of 2005 and probably the highest quarter ever. Read it HERE.
The latest "Gold Demand Trends" publication from the World Gold Council (WGC), using figures compiled by independent research experts GFMS Ltd., shows that whichever way you cut it, gold demand in the third quarter of this year was down against Q3 2008. As the WGC points out, however, the third quarter of 2008 was "exceptionally strong". In fact, at more than 1,200 tonnes, total fabrication, bar & coin and "other" retail investment, plus ETFs etc, exceeded 1,200 tonnes in the third quarter of 2008, the highest quarter since the start of 2005 and probably the highest quarter ever. Read it HERE.
From MineWeb.com:
U.K. Mint quadruples gold coin production in Q3 YoY
U.K. Mint quadruples gold coin production in Q3 YoY
Posted: Thursday , 19 Nov 2009
LONDON (Reuters) -
LONDON (Reuters) -
The UK Royal Mint, which produces gold and silver sovereigns and commemorative coins, said its SILVER COINS UP 56%.
U.K. Mint quadruples gold coin production in Q3 YoYPosted: Thursday , 19 Nov 2009
LONDON (Reuters) - Read it HERE.
LONDON (Reuters) - Read it HERE.
From TownHall.com:
Lessons of Fort Hood
by Cliff May
by Cliff May
When a military officer participates in a war against his own country, that is high treason, and that is the charge that ought to be brought against Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. But it's not going to happen. Read it HERE.
From PersonalLiberty.com:
A Thanksgiving Lesson
November 20, 2009 by Chip Wood
Did you know that our Pilgrim forefathers tried communism when they first landed at Plymouth Rock?
November 20, 2009 by Chip Wood
Did you know that our Pilgrim forefathers tried communism when they first landed at Plymouth Rock?
How’s that for a dramatic beginning to a story? Years ago, when I used to give a lot of talks to high school classes, this was one of my favorites. It always got the students’ attention. And I have to admit, I also enjoyed seeing some liberal teachers get so upset with me they almost lost their lunches. Of course it failed, and you can read it HERE.
The, above, article is part of our history which has been omitted or rewritten so badly as to hide the fact that the Pilgrims tried communism for a while and almost starved to death. Then they went to private ownership of property and free market and survived against all odds. The trusted in the Lord and His providence as did George Washington. All of our early forefathers trust and reliance upon God's providence has been omitted from the history books in an effort to remove any reference to God. We were once a nation set on a hill by God to light the way of the Christian World and Life view for the world.
From Pfennig@EverBank.com: "And then there was this... According to the Wall Street Journal..."Some of Goldman's largest shareholders have urged the firm to reduce the size of its bonus pool, arguing that it should pass along more of its blockbuster earnings to investors. The investors hold tens of millions of shares in the Wall Street firm, which is on track to make the biggest employee payout in its 140-year history."
Chuck again... Where have these "largest shareholders" been all these years? Why make a big deal about this now? Oh, that's right! The Gov't has made it look "dirty" to give bonuses..."
Chuck again... Where have these "largest shareholders" been all these years? Why make a big deal about this now? Oh, that's right! The Gov't has made it look "dirty" to give bonuses..."
From Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin:
Global systemic crisis – States faced with three brutal options in 2010: inflation, high taxation or default
As anticipated by LEAP/E2020 last February, in the absence of major reappraisal of the international monetary order, the world is now entering the phase of geopolitical dislocation of the global systemic crisis. In 2010, as protectionism and the economic and social depression will gain momentum, a large number of States will be compelled to choose between three brutal options: inflation, high taxation or defaulting on their debt. A growing number of countries (USA, United Kingdom, Euroland (1), Japan, China (2),…) have used all their budgetary and monetary cartridges in the 2008/2009 financial crisis and are now left with no other alternative. This is a long, but very important article with graphs that you should read HERE.
From GATA.org:
Jim Rickards: If gold is money again, it goes to between $4,000 and $11,000
Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2009-11-19 21:25.
4:15p ET Thursday, November 19, 2009
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Jim Rickards, director of market intelligence for McLean, Virginia-based consulting firm Omnis, was allowed onto CNBC again today to make gold-friendly comments. You may recall his blunt statement on CNBC back in September: "When you own gold, you're fighting every central bank in the world": An interesting read HERE.
4:15p ET Thursday, November 19, 2009
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Jim Rickards, director of market intelligence for McLean, Virginia-based consulting firm Omnis, was allowed onto CNBC again today to make gold-friendly comments. You may recall his blunt statement on CNBC back in September: "When you own gold, you're fighting every central bank in the world": An interesting read HERE.
From Casey's Ed Steer's Gold & Silver Daily: "As I said about three weeks ago, regardless of what gold is doing the day after options expiry on Monday, November 23rd... I will be investing the last of my cash in the precious metals market. The position limits issue that the CFTC is going to be bringing in to effect in early December will [hopefully] deal with the obscene short positions that are held by JPMorgan [and a few other bullion banks] in both silver and gold. If it does, that will change everything in a real hurry."
Wow! That is a very bold statement. We should watch and see what happens to gold and silver on Monday (November 23rd) .
Gold is 1141 and silver 18.33. BYDDF is 8.45; BULM is 0.74; DOW is down 32 to 10298.
God is in control of all. He appoints and removes rulers, as well as, nations. The above article on the Pilgrims is very important. We exist as a nation, because of our forefathers faith and trust in God. However, our Federal Government and many of our citizens have been so brain washed by the government schools that these facts are almost forgotten. To forget God is to risk destruction. Let's study His word and re-discover His law as a rule for all of life and practice.
Best to each, Doug
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