Thoughts on Markets

Friday, December 04, 2009

Corporate Worship is Essential for Christian Growth - The boyz are back


We are already into December as time flies by. The judgment of God is upon our nation as many of our churches and professing Christians have failed to live up to the demands of the Sovereign God without Whose providential care would never have been founded. The founding fathers acknowledged this and praise Him. Not all, of course, but this fact was widely accepted.

We as the people of God must obey His word in every area of life. He calls us to corporate worship on every Lord's Day. This is an important part of being obedient to the Covenant under which He places us.

Another aspect is our responsibility to be certain that our children, grandchildren and future generations receive a sound Christ based education. All other education is false. God placed the responsibility upon the parents, and it cannot be passed off to others. The parents must teach the Word of God to their children to prepare them for a life of serving Jesus Christ. If they fail to do this, they risk sending a mission field out into the world instead of a missionary. God blesses our feeble efforts in this difficult task. Attack it fearfully in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The markets are always exciting and challenging. This is particularly true when we have all sorts of intervention and manipulation from central banks, the big bullion banks, and governments around the world. The small investors have to learn to follow the intervention to their individual advantage.

In the world of precious metals and mining stocks, a long term perspective is essential for success. It is difficult to trade in and out, I tend to buy on dips and hang tough through the corrections. As the contrived "correction" continues, I add to my portfolio. At these times, I try to keep you posted via email of my activities. I recommend that you study the market activity and make your own decisions based upon your risk tolerance and resources.

The boyz are back and it is offering us a buying opportunity if you can stand the stress of the correction and take a long term view. Hopefully, they will let up early next week.

From the "You know how I always chastise the U.S. officials for blaming China for the global imbalances? Well, China has begun to fight back... They have in previous statements told the U.S. to fix their own problems and leave China alone... But now, a Chinese newspaper ran an article that quoted Chinese officials claiming that the U.S. dollar and not the renminbi is to blame for the global imbalances, saying that sustained U.S. dollar weakness was to a considerable extent, holding back the recovery, and policy adjustment of other countries...

WOW! That's an arrow to the heart of the problem right there, folks! But what else can the U.S. do? They know all too well that the deficit spending requires a cheap dollar, so it provides a discount for foreign purchasers of Treasuries with those paltry yields!

When you spend what you don't have, you have to finance the spending... I'm reminded of a book that's titled: Debt is Slavery... And other things I Wish My Father would have taught me... A Great quick read, and one that every young person should have to read!

But... The U.S. Gov't? Well, they're Big Boys, they don't need no stinkin' book to tell them that spending what they don't have causes problems!"


EPA financial requirements could slam explorers and other U.S. small miners

EPA officials say they will conduct community outreach and explore financial partnerships with other federal agencies before imposing their own financial assurance requirements on hardrock mining.

Author: Dorothy Kosich
Posted: Friday , 04 Dec 2009


EPA's intention to propose regulations requiring hardrock mining companies to post financial assurance with the agency has got explorers and miners fighting mad.

During an environmental panel at the Northwest Mining Association meeting in Reno, National Mining Associate General Counsel Tammy Bridgeford accused the EPA of exaggerating "potential exposures and risk from modern mining operations."

The agency's CERCLA Financial Responsibility Initiative for the Hardrock Mining Industry is aimed at improving financial assurance for new and operating hardrock mines and for mine site cleanups. EPA contends it is spending "significant resources on environmental review and permitting of new and operating mines and on mine clean ups." Read it HERE.

Here we go again, the environmentalists or those behind it are still attacking the remainder of our domestic miners. They have driven many out of the U.S. and seem intent upon eliminating all of our industries. Many folks in the environmental movement have been deceived into believing that the movement is really interested in the environment. Example after example reveal that it is really to run our businesses off shore and make us more third world.


Chinese official slams banks over derivatives

By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing

Published: December 3 2009 17:01 | Last updated: December 3 2009 19:07

A senior Chinese official who oversees the country’s largest state-owned enterprises has publicly slammed western investment banks for “maliciously” peddling complicated derivative products that caused huge losses for Chinese companies over the last year. Read it HERE.


Searching in Vain for the Obama Magic

By Gabor Steingart

Never before has a speech by President Barack Obama felt as false as his Tuesday address announcing America's new strategy for Afghanistan. It seemed like a campaign speech combined with Bush rhetoric -- and left both dreamers and realists feeling distraught.

One can hardly blame the West Point leadership. The academy commanders did their best to ensure that Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama's speech would be well-received.

Just minutes before the president took the stage inside Eisenhower Hall, the gathered cadets were asked to respond "enthusiastically" to the speech. But it didn't help: The soldiers' reception was cool. Read the story HERE.

The "magic" is giving way to the truth. Apparently, he never reveals the truth behind the mask. The audience must have seen beyond the smoke and mirrors to the man behind the curtain.


Ron Paul on “Repeal 1913!”

December 4, 2009 by Chip Wood

Read the interview HERE.

This is one of our best performers. Hecla is a silver miner and silver has lagged gold for some time. It will eventually catch up. I would consider it a good buy under 6.50, but we need to watch for a while. I am not selling.

I believe the sell off in DROOY has been overdone. It is showing mixed signals, but overall has improved greatly this week. Hopefully, that will continue next week, too. DRD Gold looks to be a good buy around 6.

Here are the miners from
The currencies from
Here are some interesting prices: BYDDF 9.87 holding strongly; BULM holding at 0.81; DOW up 81+ to 10446.79; Gold 1173.20, and Silver 18.53.

Best to each, Doug


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