Are the Boyz back? DOW is taking a dive. Precious metals moving up.
I'm thinking that the boyz are back in protecting their lucrative monopoly on paper currencies. They simply do not want us to enjoy the freedom of real money. However, there seems to be a big demand for the metals and at every capping, the demand strikes up the bank again. There will come a time when they will not be able to delay the progression of the precious metals bull market.
Even the DOW is taking it on the chin today. It is very volatile and is down 141.30 to 10533.48 as this is written. It was lower, but still bouncing around. Intra-day movement is not as significant as the close, but today is not looking healthy at this point in time. Were it to close below about 10450, it could be significant.
Doug Casey: War Is Coming
Doug: I just got back from a trip to the Middle East – Iraq, actually. There's a feature article on what I found there in this month's Casey Report. Doing country studies has long been a specialty of mine, and I've got to say that most of what most people think they know about the place just ain't so. But yes, I do think there is a very significant chance that we are headed for something that might vaguely resemble WWIII. This is an interesting interview which should be read by all. HERE.
The miners from
The Currencies from
Some current prices: FVITF 2.06; DIA 105.55; TBT 36.071; SSG 16.32; SDS 31.8896; Gold up 10.20 to 1204.10; Silver up 0.11 to 18.45; DOW down 133 to 10541; SPX off 15 to 1111.
It is proving to be another interesting day at the races; er, that is, the markets. Our King is presenting us with the fact that we really know very little about what is going on there. Of course, we see too much manipulation of all markets which complicates our study a great deal. We see through a dim, smokey window.
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