Thoughts on Markets

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Best Life - Currencies - Gold - Silver - Miners - What lies ahead

"How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor seat in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. . ." (Ps.  1:1 & 2)

This is a beautiful picture of the follower of King Jesus. What blessing follow His people! On the other hand those who do not have selected for themselves perpetual death, because they have rejected the one true way to an eternal life with our Creator. 

Now is the appointed time. Select whom you will follow. If it is the Lord, seek Him in His written word daily in the bible. Then enter the joy of the Lord. Not that life will be all peaches and cream, but He will be there to comfort and grow you into the likeness of Jesus Christ.

In this way, the Christmas season will take on a new life for you.

From CBS Los Angeles:
Budget Cuts To Darken SoCal City Street Lights
VISTA (AP) — To trim $9 million from their budget, Vista officials say they will shut off half of the city’s residential street lights in March unless property owners agree to pay higher lighting fees. This could happen across the nation as cities face austerity to cover the short falls in "income." Here and read it HERE.

From The Daily Pfennig (
"The Euro would typically have been sold off with the ratings downgrades, but Chinese Vice Premier Wan Qishan rode in on a white horse to keep the single currency from falling too sharply. Qishan said the Chinese would take 'concrete action' to help the European Union with its debt problems. I'm sure these actions will include direct purchases of debt by the Chinese and a shift toward the holding of more Euros in their massive currency reserves.

China has good reasons to try and maintain a strong EU, as the EU has been China's biggest trading partner for six years. China is also the second-most important buyer of EU exports, so the two regions certainly have a lot at stake.The Euro was also helped by data which showed German consumer confidence is remaining near a three year high. German households are increasing spending as employment continues to creep back up. German companies have been hiring back workers in order to meet global demand. Unemployment fell for a 17th month in November, and retailers say they are having a better than expected holiday season. Consumer sentiment is good, and the German economy certainly looks like it will continue on a recovery path.

What does all of this mean for investors? Well first of all, I think the Chinese support is another sign that the Euro is here to stay. Those that are calling for a breakup of the Euro will, in my opinion, be proven wrong. But the debt questions will continue, and will probably keep a lid on the appreciation prospects of the Euro. Those with a shorter term outlook should probably have already sold Euros, but I have a longer horizon, and the Euro will remain as one of the 'base' currencies in my personal portfolio." The knight in shinning armor comes from the East. China has a great interest in Europe and wants a strong EURO.

From Sprott Investments:
Gold & Silver Could Go Ballistic by Year's End
By John Embry HERE.

Jim Ricards on King World:
Up Date and End of Year Predictions.
Hear it HERE.

It definitely looks as though the boyz are back during this period of light trading. Their moves are likely accentuated by computerized trading by funds. We may have to wait until after the Christmas - New Year Season until the markets return to more or less normal. It is a time for great caution. There may be buying opportunities of short duration, but be very careful. You must decide for yourself. I will try and let you know when/if I do any trading, but always remember that what I see as correct for me may not be correct for you. You must decide. 

Miners from

Currencies from KitCo:

Some Prices: FVITF  4.35; BULM 1.11; OLVRF 1.4346; HHWW 1.52; SILA 0.4499; DOW 11522.+ up 44+; SPX up 5.89 to 1252.97; Gold up 0.40 to 1386.29; Silver 29.33 no change.

Best to each, Doug


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