Thoughts on Markets

Friday, December 10, 2010

Home Schooling - Precious Metals - Buying Opportunity??


One of our greatest Christian responsibilities is preparing our children and descendants to carry on the Kingdom work assigned to us by King Jesus. Adam and Eve were given the commandment to fill the earth and to take dominion of it. This was paraphrased in the covenant God made with Noah after the flood and to our first patriarch: Abraham. Thus, the responsibility falls to us. 

A great man once warned that when we send our children out into the world, we are either sending missionaries or mission fields. This is important. Too often, as parents, we fail to recognize and work toward preparing children with a sound Christian world and life view. 

We must begin at an early age, or face real necessary struggles if we begin late. It is important to be a big part of a sound Christian church which teaching the full counsel of God from the bible,  administers the two Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, and exercises discipline as necessary. However, we, as parents, must remember that our children's education is our responsibility and we must begin teaching them to memorize scripture at an early age. We must demonstrate in our lives the Christian world and life perspective. As we are told in scripture, we must teach them when at home and we are going with them into the world. Thus, it is a 24/7 task regardless of where we are.  

Home bible study and family prayer must be a daily exercise. I am convinced from scripture that home schooling of children is absolutely essential to replace sending them off to the pagan government schools. The government schools are anti-Christ; therefore, it is dangerous to send children there. There is a constant attack upon the faith which we are to teach them. A possible secondary, but less effective means is a sound Christian day school. 

Folks, this is serious business and very important for each of us to understand. Unless we follow God's way in the critical task of raising our children, we will have to answer to King Jesus and His Father at the great white throne of judgment. We will be asked or shown our failures.  

Never feel that you are not up to this task. No one ever is, but earnestly pray for the support of the Holy Spirit and He will give you the necessary desire, wisdom, and develop in you the requisite skills. He always fills our needs as we follow the word of God.

Gold: If the barn burns it's your lifesaver - Nadler
Kitco's senior analyst reckons gold is an insurance policy that investors should never want to cash in on, but is no raging gold bull. Gold Report interview. HERE.

Gold steady despite China's reserve requirement changes
Trade in the yellow metal remained choppy in thin trade in the run up to the holiday season but uncertainty over Europe's fiscal health continued to attract investors. HERE.

Analysts expect gold price to continue to rise
The price of gold has risen 27% this year and gold funds have returned up to 90% and analysts expect price growth to continue, at least for the next year. HERE.

From an update on one of my core holdings:
Iamgold raises dividend 33%
The gold miner says it expects gold output to rise about 20% above its current forecasts in 2011. HERE.

Long-Term Bond Bubble Bursting? What Will Retail Investors Do?
I have been writing for quite some time now that in the bond market it has been the dumb money buying long term treasury and corporate bonds and "smart money" corporations grabbing the cheap money by issuing record amounts of corporate bonds. The low long term rates were unsustainable. Wednesday's bond selloff attributed by some to the higher growth and larger deficits that may come out of the tax proposals, shows how violent the moves can be in long term bonds. If not bursting, it is showing a slow leak and perhaps a few cracks. I expected it to burst sooner, but again timing is critically important and only King Jesus knows the future. HERE.

What to Look for in the Gold-Silver Ratio
The gold-silver ratio is perhaps one of the first indicators traders looked at to comprehend the state of the precious metals market and accordingly acquire positions. Indeed, it has been out of favor among modern investors who believe that this is one ratio even his barber is tuned in to and a simple sinusoidal movement does not often work. Anything that goes up comes down – while the cliché cannot be disregarded, if an uncomplicated philosophy like that really worked as simply, it would have earned several investors guaranteed profits over time. It is essential to understand that the game in the markets is all about being in the side who are doing things that the majority are not, given that the majority loses. In order to outsmart the majority, we need to look at the gold silver ratio in a way the majority is not. HERE.

U.S. Mint To Re-Launch Silver Bullion Coins On Friday, Warns Of Price Gouging
09 December 2010, 5:01 p.m.
Kitco News HERE.

Comex Gold Moves Lower on More Profit Taking, Firmer U.S. Dollar Index
10 December 2010, 8:58 a.m.
By Jim Wyckoff
Of Kitco News HERE.

Miners from

Currencies from

Some Prices: FVITF 4.41; BULM 1.25; SILA 0.48 (I sold a bit too soon, but am looking for tax write off.); OLVRF 1.3785; HHWW 2.73 (I wish I had bought earlier, but failed to get my price. It happens!); DOW up 16 to 11386+; SPX up 3 to 1235.78; Gold off 9.90 to 1377.10; Silver off 0.48 to 28.28. The metals are taking a breather and giving potential buying opportunities for the time being. Recent breathers have been of short duration.

Best to each, Doug


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