Thoughts on Markets

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Gold Touched $500 - US National Debt $8.084 Trillion

Gold has been a wild and exciting ride for this week. It was bid as high as $500.10 on November 11th. Since then it has been down, but bouncing around between $495 and $499. At this time, it is $495.60

My stop was hit on DROOY, so I sold some, but bought back twice as many shares as the price dropped. Looking to buy more if there is a further drop.

Our National Debt hit an all time reported high of $8.084 Trillion this week. Of course, considering all of our debt national, personal, and business; it is much higher. Certainly, we are carrying a level of debt never seen before. This is casting a shadow over any "favorable" statistics the government produces to encourage us to view all with rose colored glasses. Folks, the economy is not rosey. At best, we are in John Mauldin's muddle through economy and will be for some time.

Think gold and consider investing in it to preserve wealth. The dollar will resume its fall while gold will preserve value for the foreseeable future.

I daily praise the Lord, that He continues to sustain us. After all, He is in control.

Best to each, Doug


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