All is not rosy, but we can still rejoice!

Reports from yesterday revealed that the GDP was lower than expected, personal consumption was down, the employment cost index was flat, and initial unemployment claims were up a bit. In spite of rosy rhetoric from the government, the economy does not look very healthy.
Overhanging all is the reserve status of the dollar. Without that, we would be a third world country economically. Foreigners and central banks are reducing holdings of the U. S. Dollar. This is ominous!
The masking of markets by intervention prevents accurate assessment of markets and makes investment decisions extremely difficult. Still, we must do the best that we can. We must try to see through the intervention to the longer term trends. After Nixon removed all ties of the dollar to gold on August 15, 1971, the precious metals have been in a very long term upward trend, particularly after the drop from the 1979-1980 spike. At the same time, the dollar has stayed in a long term downward trend with only brief bounces. Thus, our best bet seems to be in the precious metals and things rather than dollars. The precious metals and things continue to be valued ever more highly against the depreciating dollar. Keep your eyes focused upon the long term trend for security in financial matters.
Rest in the sure knowledge that the Sovereign God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, remains in control. Often the challenges He presents to us are for growth of our faith in Him. Thus, we are to praise Him and give Him thanks in everything whether it seems good or bad at the time. As Paul wrote, "Rejoice, and again I say, 'Rejoice.'" We can always do that, because all true, lasting joy comes from our wonderful King Jesus.
Best to each, Doug
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