From Original Sin to Today - We can see the results!
From that day forward, man has been tempted to believe that he is better able to define good and evil than the Creator God. Today in all of life, we are suffering moral decay and financial woes which are a direct result of the continuation of this sin of man. Our governments and courts believe that they have far better knowledge and wisdom than the law of God. They believe they are to wise to simply follow God's law and the Constitution. They must define law for themselves.
Thus, we have an ever changing law upon which no one can truly depend. God's law and our Constitution do not change. However, man's law is an ever changing law. Thus, man seeks to define his own law which is nothing more than giving in to Satan's original temptation succumbed to by Adam and Eve in the Garden.
This has been the cause of the fall of many great nations in the past and may well be the fall of our beloved country, as well. We must always remember that we either live in the freedom of God's law or the totalitarian law of man. It is God's Law or chaos.
The precious metals are being hammered down with the threat of sales of gold by the IMF while this may simply be saber rattling which will amount to nothing. The dollar remains under great pressure as China moves Asia into using the Yaun as the reserve currency.

From Forbes:
A Great Right Hope
Dirk Smillie, 03.06.09,
Christopher Ruddy's conservative media empire is booming. Now, can it save the Republican party?
Christopher Ruddy wasn't invited to President Barack Obama's dinner with conservative columnists at George Will's Maryland home in early January. Maybe he should have been.
Ruddy's conservative flagship, Newsmax, whose 90,000 circulation flatlined during the Bush years, has climbed to 130,000, eclipsing political peers Weekly Standard (81,000) and New Republic (100,000). Unique visitors to Ruddy's Web site,, has doubled in the past year, to 3.8 million a month. That's a bigger readership than the Drudge Report. Read it HERE.I do not believe that the good of America will be served by either the Democrats or Republicans. Both seem devoted toward bail outs of failing industries and increased government spending. This leads to further depreciation of our dollar and robs us of purchasing power. Both seem dedicated to man's way which is the opposite of God's.
From TownHall:
WASHINGTON -- The Constitution enumerates three requirements of those who would be president (they must be natural-born citizens, at least 35 and a resident within the country for 14 years) and now the government's thrashing about in the economy imposes a fourth: Presidents must be able to speak pluperfect nonsense with a straight face, lest the country understand what the government is doing. Obfuscation serves political salvation when what the government is doing includes promising that if Chrysler will sell itself to Fiat, U.S. taxpayers will lend that Italian firm $6 billion. Read it HERE.
If GM recovers from the latest edicts of government, it will be a miracle. Government seldom micromanages anything well with efficiency and low cost. It seems that America is destined to get out of the automobile industry. Another casualty of, not only poor management, but of government regulation and taxation.
From WorldNetDaily:
Will bill give Obama control of Internet?
Proposed new powers called 'drastic federal intervention'
Posted: April 04, 2009
10:35 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
![]() Sen. John "Jay" Rockefeller, D-W.V. |
A pair of bills introduced in the U.S. Senate would grant the White House sweeping new powers to access private online data, regulate the cybersecurity industry and even shut down Internet traffic during a declared "cyber emergency."
Senate bills No. 773 and 778, introduced by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., are both part of what's being called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which would create a new Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor, reportable directly to the president and charged with defending the country from cyber attack.Read the article HERE.
South African GMO Crop Failure Highlights Dangers of Food Supply Domination
Read the article HERE.
The, above, article points toward more problems of our food supply. We must get on with our gardens, farmers' markets, and coops to preserve food for ourselves, families, and communities. With a two weeks supply of food in the super markets, there is a real threat to our survival. Maybe, we should all become farmers and move to the country. But then, there would not be the other products upon which we depend. At least, we would likely have food. Think water, too!
I am so thankful that the Creator God is in control, and that by His grace, He loves and cares for His people and always preserves a remnant to carry on His work in the world. Praise Him daily and do not neglect the corporate worship to which every man is called.
Best to each, Doug
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