Government Grabing Food Supply - Buying Opportunity in Metals.
This is a serious threat to our food supply. "We are from the government here to hep you." Don't believe a single word of it. They are here to gain even more control over the people. Remember, a good government as envisioned by our founders, is to protect the life, liberty, and property of the citizens.
This is very serious business! Folks, we need to call, write, and email our representatives to vote against all such legislation. We are rapidly approaching the time when "victory gardens" are essential, as they were during WWII. In fact, the governments encouraged them at that time.
What a significant change! Now our governments want to take over every activity of our lives.
From Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund:
HR 875 - The Federal Take-Over of Food Regulation
Flawed Food Safety Bills in Congress
Consumers who buy nutrient-dense foods from local, sustainable farmers can feel secure about the safety of their food. The same is not true for the majority who buy their food in grocery stores from mass-production industrialized operations. We understand the pressure that Congress faces to improve the safety of that mainstream system. But it is critical that the laws not interfere with the right to choose local foods or with our farmers' ability to raise safer, healthier foods! Read it HERE.
Food Safety Bills in Congress
As of March 16, 2009, five food safety bills have been filed in Congress. All five bills include “traceability” provisions, whether for animals, produce, or both. It’s a confusing situation, because NAIS is not a food safety program. The NAIS tracking ends at the slaughterhouse, while most foodborne illnesses are due to contamination that occurs at the slaughterhouse, food processing or handling facilities, or at homes and restaurants. So NAIS provides little or no relevant information in the event of a foodborne illness outbreak. Read it HERE.
Lawmakers tackle food, from cows to cakes
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Ranchers, backyard chicken farmers, teachers, students and cake bakers are keeping a close eye on several bills working their way through the chambers of the U.S. Congress and Texas Capitol. Here's a look at some of the food-related issues lawmakers are dealing with:
Animal identification
Read it HERE.

Organic food and a rebirth of farming have been winning -- not in absolute numbers, but in a growing shift by the public toward understanding the connection between their food and their health.
Farmers markets, local farmers, real milk, fresh eggs and vegetable stands threaten the corporations, which is why there are now massive "fake food safety" bills in Congress.
Read the article HERE.
Click HERE to listen.
Both silver and gold have been capped again in our non-free market.
This action is providing buying opportunities across the board in our trading stocks. DROOY is 7.20; HL is 2.12; HMY is 10.14, and VGZ is 2.15. I am buying both HMY and DROOY.
Gold is 904.80 on an up tick and silver is 12.85 on a down tick. The DOW is off 60.53.
Best to each, Doug
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