Precious Metals Roared Out of the Gate This AM

GLD (SPDR Gold Shares ETF) added 295,144 oz. of gold to an all time high. Euro went up against the dollar. The Swiss central bank lowered rates by 0.25% and sold francs for dollars and Euros. This was a very strong move by Switzerland to lower the value of their franc. That will put all of the European banks in the mood for another cut in rates to 0%, maybe. They are almost there now, as in the Federal Reserve here.
From Reuters:
Swiss investors pile in on money markets, gold
March 11, 2009
ZURICH, March 11 (Reuters) - Money markets accounted for the lion's share of inflows into Swiss-registered funds in February, while Zuercher Kantonalbank's gold-backed exchange-traded fund saw the largest inflows of any single fund, Lipper data showed. Read it HERE.
From Platts (Mac Graw Companies):
Banks were January net buyers of 1.1 million oz of gold: CPM
New York (Platts)--10Mar2009
Central banks, which have been net sellers of gold in recent years,were net buyers of an estimated 1.1 million oz in January, according to thelatest Market Alert by the CPM Group, the New York-based metals consultancy. The world's central banks were both buyers and sellers, but the quantity bought outstripped what was sold.
Ecuador is estimated to have purchased 920,000 oz of gold in January, Venezuela bought 240,000 oz and Russia purchased 130,000 oz, after having
It is amazing that that banks selling gold to one another seems to depress the price from time to time. Who else would buy the quantities which are sold. Maybe from time to time the Sovereign Wealth Funds, but there are few buyers with deep enough pockets to make the purchases. Thus, banks sales of gold are mostly smoke and mirrors.
A great quote from the past for the day from Casey's Daily Resource Plus:
We are there and are seeing this come to pass. God's way is the only way to truly survive in the temporal as well as the life after death. We, as a nation, must repent and turn back to Him before it is too late. We must pray that one of our leaders would repent and call the nation to repent and answer God's call. His judgment upon us is His means of calling the nation to repentance. However, His patience, though long suffering will not last forever.
Let us repent for ourselves and seek God's forgiveness for the nation which at its founding was to be the city set on a hill to provide the light of God's word to all the earth.
Best to each, Doug
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