No Free Market - Fill Your Heart w/God's Word to Avoid Sin

Gold investment to prevail as financial crisis turns to inflationary fears - GFMS
Fiscal deficits are the looming threat - and they will be with us for too long. Gold "fits the bill perfectly" for cash-rich investors looking for a secure inflation hedge and last year's investment flows into gold could be dwarfed by this year's. The outlook for jewellery is much less encouraging.
Author: Rhona O'ConnellPosted: Tuesday , 07 Apr 2009
The 2009 Gold Survey from GFMS Ltd says that it is only a question of time before gold investment demand is again strong enough to overcome the "not inconsiderable" obstacles presented by the weakened jewellery market and record levels of scrap supply. Both of these have been driven by high and volatile gold prices compounded by the negative impact of the global economic downturn on consumer spending. The easing of the immediate crisis in the financial system takes some of the momentum out of safe haven gold buying but this will be superseded by increasing worries over inflationary pressures as a result of governments' and central banks' fiscal and monetary policies. Read it HERE.
Buy gold to protect whatever wealth you have accumulated. It will prevail long after the paper currencies have disappeared. The historical evidence for this is over whelming. The precious metals were reported as very widely used in biblical times. Read the bible and see how often exchanges were made in precious metals by weight. By the way, the bible speaks extensively about money and economics. As you read note the passages.
Gold price starts to recover as market euphoria evaporates
After a few days of decline following the G20, the gold price has started to pick up again as safe haven investors look to probable gloomy general stock market figures ahead.
Author: Carole VaporeanPosted: Wednesday , 08 Apr 2009
NEW YORK (Reuters) -
Gold prices rebounded on Tuesday as investors sought shelter from what is expected to be another gloomy season of corporate earnings, analysts said.
Gold also got a lift from a forecast from metals consultancy GFMS for prices to climb above $1,100 an ounce this year amid financial uncertainty around the globe.
Spot gold climbed to $880.90/882.50 a troy ounce by 4:50 p.m. EDT, against $868.80 late Monday in New York. Gold fell as low as $864.30 on Monday, its lowest point since January 23.
In New York, gold for June delivery closed $10.50, or 1.20 percent, higher at $883.30 an ounce on the COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Analysts said GFMS's positive price projections gave a healthy lift to gold, which had headed lower in early trading. Read it HERE.
The prices would be considerably higher now if the manipulation ceased. Gold should be in the range of 1500 to 2500 now based upon the depreciation of the dollar and other paper currencies. Nothing short of intervention would have it languishing in the 800-1000 range.
As every individual goes through life, he is faced the challenge of making decisions. He has been given by the Creator God a conscience. Since man is created in the image of God, he has been endowed with a perception of right and wrong or good and evil. Man is a master of rationalization. He can deaden his conscience over time, but exposure without critical analysis to make himself see evil or wrong as the normal.
He inherently knows that murder is wrong. Each of us know this in our heart. Did you ever wonder why? That is because there is a higher authority: the Sovereign God, who makes it so. However, men can rationalize away the evil of murder by seeing ways that murder can be made to be "good."
Actually, God, Himself, presents in Scripture that a man may have to kill another person to protect himself, his family, or his possessions. Also, in a Godly war, a soldier may have to kill an enemy soldier as part of his duty. These are not instances of murder, but of righteous killing.
The first murder was the slaying of Abel by his brother, Cain. This was due to jealousy or envy, because God had preferred Abel's sacrifice over that of Cain's. Abel gave his sacrifice of a lamb in obedience to God and Cain offered only grain when God required a blood sacrifice. Thus, Cain was wrong and committed the terrible sin of disobedience to God and then was envious of Abel. Cain made the decision to murder his brother. Man has been doing so ever since then.
Let us study Scripture and learn how to be obedient to God. This will strengthen our conscience and so fill our lives that we will not live in sin against our Heavenly Father.
Best to each, Doug
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