Thoughts on Markets

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Declaration of Independence Killed, but God Rules


Let's examine the bad news first. The following two articles reveal either naivety or ignorance. I would like to believe the latter, but continue to wonder. We must pray that the Lord will open the eyes of our leadership to His word.

In Romans 13:1-4, are found the following: "Let everyone be in subjection to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves, for rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have not fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good, but if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword from nothing; for it is a minister of God, and avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil."

Thus, we see that God places people in the position of authority and expects them to be a blessing to the people who do good and to restrain and/or punish those who do evil. The only true definitions of good and evil are found in the written Word of God: the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The leaders and the citizens must understand this.

America will survive and prosper only as the Word of God remains THE SOURCE of law for our nation and our people. Let us pray that this will, once again, be the foundation for all actions within our nation and will guide our interaction with other nations of the world.

The bad news follows:



G20 plan kisses off Declaration of Independence

New international board to intervene in decisions about U.S. companies

Posted: April 08, 2009
8:32 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

At the G20 meeting in London, President Obama agreed to create of an international board with authority to intervene in U.S. corporations by dictating executive compensation and approving or disapproving business management decisions, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports. Read it HERE.

Dick Morris on UTube: More on the abrogation of the Declaration of Independence is HERE.


Thursday, April 09, 2009
The Meaning of Words

by Cal Thomas

"Words must mean something," President Obama said in Prague last week in response to North Korea's missile launch. He was speaking about the numerous resolutions and condemnations of North Korea's actions over the years by the United Nations and others. It is a standard the president should apply not only to North Korea, but also to the Middle East and the Muslim world.

In a speech to Turkey's Parliament, the president said, "The United States is not, and never will be at war with Islam." It was a noble sentiment. Such a unilateral declaration may sooth many in the West, but there is a central question that comes from Mr. Obama's declaration of conscientious objection: What if Islamic extremism is at war with America, Europe and Israel and everyone who stands in the way of its attempt at supremacy in religion and politics? Read it HERE.

The following article should awaken many to the need for respect and enforcement of the God given right of self-defense which is expressed in the Second Amendment of the Constitution. The United Nations is on a tear around the world supporting the registration and confiscation of weapons in the hands of citizens. This is a violation of God's word and our Constitution.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Let's All Surrender Our Weapons -- You First!
by Ann Coulter

The rash of recent shooting incidents has led people who wouldn't know an AK-47 from a paintball gun to issue demands for more restrictions on guns. To be sure, it's hard to find any factor in these shootings that could be responsible -- other than the gun. Read it HERE.
China is serious about using the Renminbi for international trade, see this from China Daily:

Yuan trade settlement to start in five Chinese cities

By Wang Xu (China Daily) Updated: 2009-04-09 07:37

Five major trading cities have got the nod from the central government to use the yuan in overseas trade settlement - seen as one more step in China's recent moves to expand the use of its currency globally.

Shanghai and four cities in the Pearl River Delta - Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan and Zhuhai - have been designated for the purpose, said a State Council meeting chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao yesterday. The Pearl River Delta boasts the country's largest cluster of export-oriented manufacturing operations. Read it HERE.

China is intent upon surpassing These United States as the world power. They are using their surplus of trade and dollar reserves as big sticks to accomplish this goal. Were they to back the Renminbi with gold, that would tip the scales in their direction. Thus, the Renminbi would become the preferred currency for the world. Could this be their goal?

Both silver and gold are languishing this week. We should be thankful for a three-day week end with closed markets. As you, who have been following these writings for some time, investment in the precious metals and mining stocks takes commitment and a good deal of patience. It is at these times where patience comes in handy. We learn to be still and know that God is in control and working all things for the eventual good of His people.

Currently, gold is 878.80 and silver 12.23. Both are on down ticks. The mining stocks are suffering a bit, too. DROOY is 6.995; HL 2.11; HMY 9.27, and VGZ 2.06. Both DROOY and HMY are in good buying ranges. However, I am content to sit on the sidelines and wait. Of course, I have a good stock of all four in my portfolio. You decide for yourself based upon your portfolio, cash, and risk tolerance. We will likely in the not too distant future look back on this as a missed opportunity.
By the way, the DOW is up some 180 now. I believe this is more of the bear market rally, but the market will reveal the truth or fallacy of this opinion in the future. Three-day trading holidays have a weird effect upon markets.



Despite bullish developments, gold price hasn't found upward momentum yet

In their recently published Metal Matters, ScotiaMocatta analysts advised PGMs have outperformed gold, investor interest remains strong, and some restocking is occurring. Silver seen in structural surplus and worries on platinum bear market rally.

Author: Dorothy Kosich
Posted: Thursday , 09 Apr 2009


While ScotiaMocatta remains bullish overall on gold, analysts advised they "would not be surprised to see a pullback first as some profit taking seems likely. Expect dips to be well supported.

"Given the extent of the ETF buying and the Fed's embracement of quantitative easing, we are surprised prices did not rechallenge the February peak again. The fact they have not done so, raises a warning flag that perhaps the rally has run its course, at least for a while," ScotiaMocatta said. Read it HERE.


Gold falls, poised for third weekly loss on optimism

By Moming Zhou, MarketWatch

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Gold futures fell Thursday ahead of the three-day long weekend, heading for a third weekly loss as upbeat results from Wells Fargo & Co. boosted investor interest in stocks, reducing gold's appeal as a safe asset.
Gold for April delivery fell $6.60, or 0.8%, to $878.20 an ounce in North American electronic trading in morning trading. The front-month contract has lost about 2% so far this week. The more active June contract also fell Thursday, down 0.5% to $881.80 an ounce. Read it HERE.

Best to each, Doug


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