Thoughts on Markets

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Precious Metals Hammered Again - Buying Opportunity?

Both silver and gold have been hammered downward both last night and this morning. This is not the action of a free market. Of course, I understand that we do not have a free market in America. It has been gone for many decades and replaced by socialistic central control in violation of the law of God and the Constitution. But these days who in government considers either important?

We may be having another day of buying opportunities in the miners. Gold is 888.20 down 18 and silver is 12.44 down 0.46. Both are on down ticks.

The stocks have just opened. Our miners show, the following: DROOY 7.94 -0.44; HL 2.42 -0.18; HMY 9.356 -.06; SLW 7.82 -025, and VGZ 2.16 -0.10. All are holding fairly well, but the market has just opened. Watch for buying opportunities during the day.

From WorldNetDaily, we have news of the latest probable expansion of big brother into the Internet. Of course, the appointment of a person with such mind set is dangerous to the freedom we enjoy on the Internet. After all, who blindly reads the Internet offerings without using discernment? Of course, those who want to protect us from ourselves, as we would do for children, believe us to be naive children. Let us think for ourselves as our Creator has given us brains to use.

U.S. regulatory czar nominee wants Net 'Fairness Doctrine'
Cass Sunstein sees Web as anti-democratic, proposed 24-hour delay on sending e-mail

Posted: April 27, 2009
8:41 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Cass Sunstein

WASHINGTON – Barack Obama's nominee for "regulatory czar" has advocated a "Fairness Doctrine" for the Internet that would require opposing opinions be linked and also has suggested angry e-mails should be prevented from being sent by technology that would require a 24-hour cooling off period.

The revelations about Cass Sunstein, Obama's friend from the University of Chicago Law School and nominee to head the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, come in a new book by Brad O'Leary, "Shut Up, America! The End of Free Speech." OIRA will oversee regulation throughout the U.S. government.

Sunstein also has argued in his prolific literary works that the Internet is anti-democratic because of the way users can filter out information of their own choosing.Read it HERE.

If you missed it HERE is Ron Paul's calming message on the Swine Flu panic.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Survival Optional
by Thomas Sowell

It used to be said that self-preservation is the first law of nature. But much of what has been happening in recent times in the United States, and in Western civilization in general, suggests that survival is taking a back seat to the shibboleths of political correctness.

We have already turned loose dozens of captured terrorists, who have resumed their terrorism. Why? Because they have been given "rights" that exist neither in our laws nor under international law.

These are not criminals in our society, entitled to the protection of the Constitution of the United States. They are not prisoners of war entitled to the protection of the Geneva Convention.Read it HERE.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Decline and Fall of Private Education
by Chuck Norris

The report explains that during the 2007 and 2008 legislative sessions, 44 states introduced school-choice legislation. And in 2008, choices for private school were enacted into law or expanded in Arizona, Utah, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana and Pennsylvania. Today 14 states and the District of Columbia offer voucher or education tax-credit programs that aid parents with sending their children to private schools. But that may be short-lived.

Despite the growing public preference for private education, Congress recently canceled the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which was created in 2004 to offer students from low-income families in the nation's capital an opportunity to join the voucher educational community. The law provided $14 million in scholarships to help pay for tuition at private schools of their choosing. But no longer. Read it HERE.

Were the government schools anything other than mind washing institutions designed specifically for indoctrination of children into socialistic robots who see the state as the messiah, there would not be the parental preference for private schools. The government school system cannot be fixed, it must be replaced.


The significance of Chinese gold holding clarification - CPM

The recent announcement that China has increased its monetary reserves of gold by 14.6 million ounces (454 tonnes) is perhaps more significant in the process than in the amount, reckons CPM.

Author: Lawrence Williams
Posted: Tuesday , 28 Apr 2009


In a Market Alert briefing note, New York-based precious metals analysis specialists CPM have pointed out some significant aspects of the announcement of the increased 14.6 million ounce (454 tonne) holding in Chinese gold reserves overlooked in most reports. Chinese gold reserves are now stated as being some 33.89 million ounces - or just over 1,000 tonnes, making it the world's sixth largest holder of gold after the US, Germany, the IMF, France and Italy - excluding, though, the 1,100 tonnes held in the SPDR Gold Trust ETF.

Firstly, it is pointed out that the purchases over the past six years had been made by the Chinese State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) rather than by the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC), which is why the amount of gold had not appeared in China's official reserve figures. Now though, the holding has been transferred to the PBOC and hence the announcement.

CPM reckons this transfer is particularly important in that Chinese government leaders were interested in buying gold over the past several years, but that there was a great deal of internal debate as to whether such gold should be added to monetary reserves held by the Central Bank, or as investment stocks to be held by China Investment Corporation or other non-monetary Chinese government entities. As CPM points out, the real news is thus that that discussion has obviously now been resolved, and the gold has been added to the monetary reserves held by the Central Bank. Read it HERE.

I believe that China would have the strongest currency in the world today if she would simply back the Renminbi with gold. In fact, any backed currency would be the preferred in the world. Is that what China is thinking? Could be in the longer run.

If you decide to buy, buy in small increments and then put in day order trailing stops to protect as prices rise. Gold is 887.20 and silver 12.42. The DOW is off 48+.

Make you own investment decisions and trust in the Lord for success.

Best to each, Doug


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