Tea Party Success - Precious metals on the way up!
From TownHall.com:

DROOY and Harmony are in good buying ranges, but there is apparently some more labor unrest in South Africa with unions demanding 15% increase in pay and benefits. Labor unions are another form of intervention with which we could do without very nicely. Labor unions tend to raise the cost of production of all industries in which they are action. The cost is most often passed on to consumers. We should long for the return of free markets throughout the world.
From Telegraph UK:
Gold: Traders remain bullish as hedge fund managers buy gold futures
Gold is set climb this week on speculation the decline in prices may boost demand from jewellers and other buyers of the physical metal, say analysts
Gold is expected to climb this week on speculation the decline in prices may boost demand from jewellers and other buyers of the physical metal. Fourteen of 34, or 41 percent, of traders, investors and analysts surveyed by Bloomberg News said gold would advance this week. Eleven of them forecast lower prices and nine were neutral. Read the article & view the video HERE.From Emirates Business:
Jewellery demand ticks up as gold prices decline
By Reuters on Monday, April 20, 2009
A second consecutive daily decline in holdings of the world's largest gold-backed exchange-traded fund, New York's SPDR Gold Trust, has also raised fears investors are selling the metal to buy back into other assets such as stocks. Read the article HERE.
From The Daily Pfennig:
"OK... A bad day a the office for the euro and other currencies on Friday, and then last night in the overnight markets... European Central Bank (ECB) President, Trichet, once again deep-sixed the euro with talk of further rate cuts. He did attempt to water down the message by saying that "any rate cuts would be measured 25 BPS cuts" Memo to Trichet... It doesn't matter what the size of the debasing is, as long as you are going to debase your currency, the markets will make you pay for it!"
Once again, the rhetoric from ECB to lower the perceived value of the Euro. This gave the dollar another temporary boost. Were the ECB to lower interest rates again, the world's central banks are likely to follow suit to "save" their individual economies. However, many, including the US, are already as low as they can go.
Gold and silver crucial for cash preservation - The calm before the storm
SilverStrategies.com editor Sean Rakhimov expects the economic crisis may go on for a generation even with (or because of) all the government intervention. Interview with the Gold Report.
Author: The Gold ReportPosted: Saturday , 18 Apr 2009
The Gold Report: Sean, when we last spoke, in December, there was more anxiety about the state of the market, particularly as far as determining the bottom. What's your view now that we've actually had some decent financial indicators come out in the last week or so?
Sean Rakhimov: I take a much longer-term view and, basically, the way certain things - like metal prices or market bottoms - are going to react is going to depend largely on what happens elsewhere, mostly with the government. The things we're trying to analyze are not masters of their own domains, so to speak. I think a lot of this money printing that has been taking place is starting to filter into prices and it's showing in metal prices, it's showing in grocery prices, it's showing in all kinds of prices. Read it HERE.
Let us get serious about repenting before the Sovereign God and turning back to His ways in response to His discipline of our nation. Because, He disciplines and calls us back to Himself is evidence of the great love He has for His people. Go before Him daily in prayer, study His word faithfully, and live your life for Him. This is life! Not to do so is death.
Best, Doug
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