God's World & Life View - Metals Sprinting Upward
It is important to understand that all governments are ordained by God and put into place to serve His purposes. Often, in history, we find that nations who turn from Him are put into captivity or other calamidy. This is part of God's discipline to drive the nation to their knees in repentence and to have them turn back to Him.
Today, America has become a pagan nation which seems to be deliberately seeking to become a "third world" nation. Of course, this is one of the unexpected consequences of attempted solution. Our government is attempting to solve the credit crisis by the same means which created and perpetuated it. This, too, could be a form of judgment of God.
Since WWII, we have been on a spending binge as we have "enjoyed" defrauding international suppliers of goods and servces as a benefit of being able to inflate the supply of the unbacked paper reserve currency of the world. This is to change in the near future.
China has stated that it is concerned about the debasing and inflation of the number of dollars in the world. China has opened trading with its Asian neighbors in their currency: Renminbi. In view of these actions, do you believe that they will stop pushing before the dollar is replaced? I think not.
Russia has joined in rhetoric against the dollar, as well. Others will soon be joining the chorus. As this resentment grows, the dollar will be replaced. Certainly, China has sufficient dollars to send the dollar to its final resting place in oblivian by unloading them into the market.
It is using dollars to secure "permanent" supply of raw materials. Africa has benefitted from China's world wide expansion. The dollars are also being used to build China's military with special emphasis upon modern submarines. Recall, if you will that submarines are not vacation cruise ships. Rather, they are designed to disrupt ocean shipping and many have missle capability which can be delivered stealthly from beneath the waters.
All of this may be God's plan to surplant the dominant role which America has chosen as policemen of the world. Our means to maintain the dominant position was based upon our having the reserve currency of the world. This will end sooner than most believe. As Richard Russell has said, "As goes the dollar, so goes America.
However, all is not lost, because we have a God Who is in total control of all. He is working out His will. He is calling us to repentence and back to His way. He wants each of His people to have a total world and life view which is in total concert with His word. For us to do this, He must be the center of all of our thoughts and actions.
Every thought must be captive to His word. We must carefully weigh each and every action to insure that it is glorifying to God and working toward the furturence of His Kingdom. Then we will be privileged to live the abundant life to which we are called. That is not to say that we will not have challenges and "hard times," but we are privileged to have His promise that He is with us always and that He is working all things for our eventual good.
Take this seriously, because it is more important than anything else in life.
Both silver and gold are up very strongly today and it is the day of expiration of contracts. Perhaps, the boyz are letting the shorts expire. We will see as the day moves on. There are still dire shortages in the physical metals. Once again, the curves on both metals are virtually identical. Interesting, eh?

From MarketWatch.com:
Gold, silver rise after U.S. jobs data; copper falls
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Gold and silver futures rose Thursday after data showed a big increase in claims for U.S. unemployment benefits, raising economic worries and increasing the precious metals' value as a safe asset. Copper fell for a fourth session.
Gold, silver climb in N.Y. as IMF forecasts recession to deepen
By Bloomberg
22 Apr 2009 at 09:37 PM GMT-04:00
The IMF forecast a 1.3 percent decline in the world economy, compared with a 0.5 percent expansion estimated in January, and said growth will be slower next year than previously expected. Some investors buy precious metals as a safe harbor in times of economic turmoil.
“What is supporting gold is the continued uncertainty in the global economy,” John Gross, the president of J-E Gross & Co., a metals-industry consulting company in Cranston, Rhode Island, said in an e-mailed comment. “We are in the midst of a ‘sea change’ where gold is the safe haven for investors.” Read it HERE.
From Telegraph UK:
Gold price could hit $1,500
The aggressive monetary policy of central banks around the world is playing havoc with the structure of the bullion market, creating a chronic shortage of gold that may soon push the metal to fresh records above $1,500 an ounce.
By Ambrose Evans-PritchardLast Updated: 12:11PM BST 20 Apr 2009
Charles Gibson, a gold expert at Edison Investment Research, argues in a new report that negative real interest rates (below inflation) in the US and beyond has upset the "leasing" machinery in the gold industry and led to a sustained market squeeze.
This is what occurred in the late 1970s, driving gold prices to $850 and ounce – roughly $1,560 in today's terms. Gold finished last week at $870. Read it HERE.
From BBC Business:
'Deeper' recession ahead says IMF
By Steve Schifferes Economics reporter, BBC News |

The global economy is set to decline by 1.3% in 2009, in the first global recession since World War II, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) says. Read it HERE.
From Gary North:
If you own gold, you are in a war. You are under assault. You had better figure this out early.
There is a full-scale war against you. The politicians and central bankers who are conducting this war against you are determined to see that you lose money on your investment.
I have written a detailed report on this: The Gold Wars." You can download it free of charge HERE.
The reason why you are under assault is because you have demonstrated by your purchase of gold or a gold-related investment that you do not trust the monetary policies of your nation's central bank. If you are an American, this means you do not trust the monetary policies of the Federal Reserve System. You have taken a step that confirms your lack of trust in the government and its central bank. If you think the government and the central bank will sit quietly, while millions of citizens buy gold as a way to hedge against government and central bank policies, you are terminally naive. Read the entire article HERE.
Here is a quote reported in Casey's Daily Resource Plus: "The money power denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. - William Jennings Bryan"
Folks, this is a very important concept of which you must be aware. Gary points it out very clearly. It is one of those things of President Bush's statements to the world, "If you are not with us, you are against us." That is a very arrogant statement which mimics the statement of King Jesus that no man can serve two masters. In the case of gold, it means if you do not totally support the government's unbacked paper currency, you are against the government.
Let us purpose to live our lives to the glory of God as He has commanded. We are to take dominion, under Him, of all of His creation.
Best, Doug
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