Thoughts on Markets

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Let's Pray for National Revival

Both silver and gold have been hit again, but it does not seem they are hammered as severely as in the past. Both are following similar patterns over time.

Gold is at 886.50 up 1.70 and silver is 12.07 down 0.03. Gold is on an up tick and silver on a down tick. The DOW is down 21+ to 7820+. Our mining stocks are, as follows: DROOY 7.25; HL 2.06; HMY 8.58, and VGZ 2.17. I was stopped out on a portion of my portfolio holding of HL and VGZ. We are reaching the time, when many folks say, "Sell in May and go away!" Will that be wise this year? I do not know, but I am keeping some trailing stops on a portion of my mining stocks.

It does look like the market is getting ready to tell us that we are at or near the end of a bear rally in the general market. However, we cannot completely rule out that it could be a change to a bull market. But I lean strongly toward the bear rally and see it ending now or very soon.

The markets are always a challenge, but recent times have little precedence as the world deficit spending, FIAT currency generation, and government intervention seem to be a astronomical levels never before seen. Free markets are far more easily handled.

For too many decades, we have been using an unbacked paper currency which gives a false picture of increasing economic measures. The economy never is actually growing, but since the currencies have lower purchasing power, prices increase and distort the Growth National Product and all other indicators. The apparent growth is nothing more than the reflection of depreciated currency.

America has since WWII enjoyed the "privilege" of having the reserve currency of the world. While other nations have had to exchange their local currency for dollars for international trade, all we had to do was print more dollars to fleece the world of its products and services. This theft is a violation of God's Commandment, "Thou shall not steal." It really is theft, because we traded worthless paper for actual products and services.

Nations as individuals are ruled by the Sovereign God of all. National sins encourage individual sins. At some point in time, God will shower His wrath upon all sinners. This is a call to repentance and a return to Him. His call is upon the whole world. Will we turn back to Him before our nation is completely destroyed? That is my prayer and should be yours, as well.

However, we must remember that it is up to each of us to humble ourselves before Him, seek His forgiveness and live in accordance with His word. Would that our national leaders would repent and call our nation to repentance. Were that to happen, perhaps, the Lord would not continue our destruction. Let us pray to that end.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Are You an "Extremist"?
by Thomas Sowell

While the rest of us may be worried about violent Mexican drug gangs on our border, or about terrorists who are going to be released from Guantanimo, the Director of Homeland Security is worried about "right-wing extremists."

Just who are these right-wing extremists?

According to an official document of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, right-wing extremists include "groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration." It also includes those "rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority." Read it HERE.

The definition of right wing extremists is so broad as to include all who make any peaceful stand against any action of the Federal Government. It applies to those who would call the government to honor the Constitution which every elected individual has sworn to uphold. In other words, as G. W. Bush said, "If you are not for us, you are against us." Now this is coming to fruition in spades. The plan seems to be to silence all opposition whether peaceful or not. It is an attempt to gag all descent. This is most certainly unconstitutional.


Coming inflation good for commodities

The likelihood of inflation resulting from the huge amount of money being injected into the economy by governments will be very positive for commodities.

Author: Evan Smith and Brian Hicks
Posted: Tuesday , 21 Apr 2009

SAN ANTONIO, Global Resources Fund (PSPFX) -

Higher inflation is coming. It's impossible to predict exactly when it will arrive, but the trillions of dollars worth of new money injected into the global financial system make it inevitable.

The prospect of inflation will likely be one of the key drivers for the energy and commodities sectors over the medium term. Inflation will eat away at the dollar and other paper currencies, raising the value of tangible assets as a hedge. In this way, commodities are similar to gold. Read it HERE.

This will show up in the not too distant future. The presses and computers have been spewing out a continuous stream of paper and blips to flood the world with FIAT currencies. They have to go somewhere other than the growing bubble of Treasury debt instruments.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Apologists
by Pat Buchanan

For 50 minutes, Obama sat mute, as a Marxist thug from Nicaragua delivered his diatribe, charging America with a century of terrorist aggression in Central America.

After Daniel Ortega finished spitting in our face, accusing us of inhumanity toward Fidel Castro's Cuba, Obama was asked his thoughts.

"I thought it was 50 minutes long. That's what I thought."

Hillary Clinton was asked to comment: "I thought the cultural performance was fascinating," she cooed.

Pressed again on Ortega's vitriol, Hillary replied: "To have those first-class Caribbean entertainers all on one stage and to see how much was done in such a small amount of space. I was overwhelmed." Read it HERE.

Such actions as this really make us very proud of our leaders, do they not? America has not always done the right thing internationally, but we have done some good and should not have to tolerate a tirade of a despot.


Volcker Says Fed’s Authority Probably to Be Reviewed

By Timothy R. Homan

April 18 (Bloomberg) -- Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker said Congress will probably review the authority granted to the Fed following emergency credit programs doubling the central bank’s balance sheet to $2.19 trillion.

“I don’t think the political system will tolerate the degree of activity that the Federal Reserve, in conjunction with the Treasury, has taken,” Volcker, head of President Barack Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, said today at a conference at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. Read it HERE.

The Federal Reserve (privately owned by member banks) has grabbed too much power. That is difficult to deny when judged by the word of God. It is undeniable to sound rational thought, as well.


Issue 260 • Sunday, April 19, 2009

Scott Smith interviews an anonymous private banker who reveals the inner workings of the Swiss banking industry and the pressures it faces today

David Rogers/Getty Images

Introduction: The editors of the Daily Bell are pleased to present this exclusive interview conducted by Scott Smith with Banker X, a well-respected financial observer. Banker X provides us with this interview anonymously so that he can speak frankly about the inner workings of the Swiss financial system. As someone who has held high posts in both the private and public banking fields throughout several decades, Banker X is in a great position to compare and contrast several kinds of Swiss banking models through several eras. We are certain our readership will find his comments enlightening and certainly food for thought. Read it HERE.

Casey's Daily Research Plus points out this article as one to read to learn about Swiss Banking. It answers most questions that people have.

Let's commit to pray for a national revival in These United States, and pray that God will revive us in time.

Best to each, Doug


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