Thoughts on Markets

Friday, May 01, 2009

Potential Quarantines - Chrysler Bankrupt - Metals Soft

A significant quote recorded in Casey's Daily Resource Plus today: "'We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.' - Ayn Rand "


U.S. sovereignty on swap block
Obama negotiating for seat for U.S. on U.N. commission

Posted: April 30, 2009
9:20 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

The Obama administration is preparing to swap U.S. sovereignty for a higher level of U.S. presence at the United Nations, a plan that has alarmed officials working to protect the rights of Americans, specifically the parental rights that traditionally have been recognized across the nation's history.

Michael Farris, founder of the Home School Legal Defense Association and chancellor of Patrick Henry College, said, "The move is little more than another attempt at political correctness by an administration frantic for acceptance by the international community."

Farris also is a dedicated leader behind the effort to change the U.S. Constitution through the amendment process to restore and protect parental rights. Read it HERE.

It is hard for me to understand how our elected officials seem to be joining in a concerted effort to throw out the remaining vestiges of our Constitution. After all, did not each commit to uphold it.


Department of Homeland Security Guidelines
For Possible Swine Flu Quarantines

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has sent a memo to some health care providers noting procedures to be followed if the swine flu outbreak eventually makes quarantines necessary.

DHS Assistant Secretary Bridger McGaw circulated the swine flu memo, which was obtained by, on Monday night. It says: "The Department of Justice has established legal federal authorities pertaining to the implementation of a quarantine and enforcement. Under approval from HHS, the Surgeon General has the authority to issue quarantines."

McGaw appears to have been referring to the section of federal law that allows the Surgeon General to detain and quarantine Americans "reasonably believed to be infected" with a communicable disease. A Centers for Disease Control official said on Tuesday that swine flu deaths in the U.S. are likely.

Federal quarantine authority is limited to diseases listed in presidential executive orders; President Bush added "novel" forms of influenza with the potential to create pandemics in Executive Order 13375. Anyone violating a quarantine order can be punished by a $250,000 fine and a one-year prison term. Read it HERE.

Is this really essential or simply another grab for power over the citizens? I cannot determine for certain, but know the power hungry nature of magistrates who have forgotten that they are ministers of God and responsible for working within His Law-Word. All will answer at the final time of book balancing at the Great White Throne. The people of Jesus Christ will be safe and secure, but the goats will be cast into Hell. This central true is a matter of life and death.

An article on the actions of the boyz from

Increasingly Blatent Attempts to Suppress Gold Prices Are Evidence Of Desperation
by Eric deCarbonnel

Someone is repeatedly dumping huge quantities of paper gold onto the market over very short periods of time. No profit oriented gold investor would act this way. A legitimate investor selling gold would spread his sales out to get the best possible price and would wait for the periods of the day where there is the highest trading volumes (ie: not selling right when the market opened).

If this type of selling only happened once in a blue moon, it could be explained by some institutions being forced to liquidate its trading positions. However, the odds of four different institutions being forced to liquidate their gold holdings at suspicious intervals over a three day period are next to zero.

Finally, Since long positions are limited in size on the COMEX, these selloffs are either the closely coordinated liquidation of several dozen long positions (why would investors long gold conspire to lose money anyway?), or they involve a massive wave of short selling. See the graphs and read the article HERE.

Both graphs, below, of silver and gold show substantial evidence of the non-market hammering by the not for profit bullion banks in trading on yesterday (the red curves). In the silver graph for today (green curve), there was more non-market action with a downward spike at the opening in NY.

Gold was hammered very strongly yesterday in concert with silver; however, today the hammering was not evident in gold.
Gold is 884.20 -2 on a down tick. Silver is 12.41 up 0.04 on an up tick. From the comments and graphs, above, it does seem that silver is the major target for the time being. However, both metals are lower than they have recently been. There has been some impact on the mining shares, as follows: DROOY is 7.83 -0.02; HL 2.56 +0.09; HMY is 9.35 +0.03; SLW 7.64 +0.02, and VGZ is 2.04 -0.07. Most are holding fairly well. I am not buying at these levels, but am ready to buy on any strong corrections. I, also, do not have trailing stops on our star performer Hecla Mining.

Two quotes from The Daily Pfennig:

"The big news in the US yesterday was the announcement that Chrysler had filed for a 'precision' bankruptcy and would be shutting down all of its plants temporarily in order to reduce an inventory overhang. Unfortunately, I heard this morning that both Chrysler plants here in St. Louis would be closing for good, with Chrysler looking to sell them off to pay down debt. It is definitely a sad day for the thousand Chrysler workers here in St. Louis."

"China, on the other hand, looks like it is headed for a much faster recovery. Manufacturing in China expanded for a second month as the government stimulus spending seems to have kicked in. Stronger Chinese demand is helping the exporting nations of Australia, Canada, and South Korea. Goldman Sachs now predicts China's economy will grow 8.3% in 2009, just above the government's target of 8%. It certainly looks like China will lead the world out of this recession, with internal demand in China taking the place of lost demand in the US and Europe. All data indicate China's economy will continue to recover, as the economy appears to have bottomed last last quarter with a 6.1% growth in GDP."

Wow, the financial situation in China is better than in America. Consider the fact that China has been moving toward a more capitalistic free market economy while we have been rapidly moving to the centrally controlled economy of socialism. We have been on the road to a total welfare society since the time of FDR (Obama's alleged model). Would that we would return to a God centered society and the free market which God's word prescribes in principle.

Best to each, Doug


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